Photos From NYC

i-cb093f47b8036b7d2163312adb94b66b-photobloger.jpgYesterday we made a quick stop in central park with our photoblogger friend.


To see the result of these action photos click here.

We then went to the Whitney for the Biennial. The main theme for most exhibits - anti-war. Overall it was weaker than the last show.

Some photos we managed to take when the guards weren't looking:





Speaking of photos, Stochastic has nice ones from the recent Seed gathering.


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wasn't central park amazing yesterday? i ended up hanging aorund for awhile there because there was so much to see and do (and also because i was checking up on pale male and lola, the nesting red-tailed hawks).

Unfortunately we didn't go to see the hawks. We did see the cherry blossoms on the east side. Incredible.

Yesterday (the 17th) we went back. Our friends went north to see the hawks, and we ended up going south to the sheep meadow. I love lying down in the sheep meadow with hundreds of people - some lounging, some flying kites, some tossing the Frisbee ...

She looks like a pro!

By Acme Scientist (not verified) on 18 Apr 2006 #permalink