New Blog Carnival Announcements - I'm A Day (or more) Late and a Dollar Short

Very often in my life I find myself in the situation my dad used to describe as "a day late and a dollar short". So it is once more. This past month I have allowed preoccupation with a number of issues, some familiar some not, to get squarely in the way of blogging. And out of the past 22 days, eight of them came with migraines. So what with one thing and another, I find myself arrived at nearly the end of February, and not only have I not managed to write my post for Danielle Lee's exciting new blog carnival, I haven't even managed to post an announcement about it. I am pathetic. Danielle, who writes the extraordinary Urban Science Adventures, said

I'm introducing a new Blog Carnival - Diversity in Science. Blogs of every genre are invited to write a special feature post about a person who is a pioneer and/or innovator in any of the amazing fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
Tell us all about him/her?
How has this person impacted field of STEM and/or inspired you?
Or why is his/her story interesting?

With this being Black History Month, the inaugural carnival will be about African-American Innovators. Simply post a fabulous essay about any science hero past or present and submit it to the carnival. Deadline is Friday, February 20th. I'll host this first edition of Diversity in Science on Tuesday, February 24.

You can see I have missed the deadline. Fortunately many other bloggers, including many ScienceBloggers, have not. I'm still going to write something and maybe Danielle will take pity on me. A lot of contributors have left links in the comments to Danielle's carnival announcement post so you can get a sneak preview to the carnival if you want.

I also missed contributing to, or even saying anything about, February's Scientiae, which you can find here at Fairer Science. Fairer Science is written by one of my most favorite people, Pat Campbell, so I'm doubly chagrined to have been so off compass this past month. The theme for February was "Our dreams for a better, more equitable society".

And it's practically time for March's Scientiae, hosted by Liberal Arts Lady, with the theme "Role Models of Women Making History". I have half a chance of meeting the deadline for this one!

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The February Scientiae is up at Fairer Science. Pat picked a great theme for this month's carnival "Our Dreams for a Better World." Go check out all the great ideas and then let's get to work turning them into reality. And now for an exciting announcement, DNLee of Urban Science Adventures is…
Well, February has come and gone, Black History Month is over for another year, and we've had the first round of the Diversity in Science carnival. I am sure some of you who blog may have thought about contributing to this carnival but didn't for a variety of reasons. Maybe, like me, you had…
Pat of FairerScience is hosting the February Scientiae, and has posted the theme to be about imagining a fairer, more equitable society (and maybe specifically about science). She's taking submissions (via this method) until January 30, so get fingers to keyboard if you haven't already, and send…
First about those carnivals: *The deadline for submission to the second installment of the Diversity in Science carnival is midnight (EST) tonight. It's being hosted at Thus Spake Zuska and this month's topic is "Women Achievers in STEM - Past and Present." I myself am trying to get a post up…