Where I'm At

So: Long promised substantive reply to comments on previous post is not materializing anytime soon. Migraines, mom in hospital again, coming down with headcold, sister arriving tomorrow for holiday weekend visit, possible trip to western PA next week to tend to mom when she is discharged from hospital (extra attention on top of what assisted living can provide)...I planned to get a post out today but unexpectedly the roofers we just contracted with on Monday phoned at 7:30 a.m. and said surprise! we're going to be hammering and pounding over your head all day long! and the cats were going insane and the car repair shop phoned and said my part was in and could I come over and have them install it which I needed to do before Sis gets here and the roofers trampled my bottled gentians which JUST started blooming this last week or so and I am heart-broken.

In the meantime: tomorrow, two completely unrelated, brief, scheduled posts will appear.

Also in the meantime: Female Science Professor has a book! Hat tip to Samia (who totally rocks in all ways)!

Don't know when I'll be back here. If your comment gets hung up in moderation, it may be days before I can get to checking for such things - my apologies in advance. Be well everyone.

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Hang in there, Zuska!

It's sad to lose flowers, but I think the wonderful thing about gardening is that there's always next year.

Hang in there!

Take care and feel better--best to you and yours.