Scientific Nail Polish

I have no time for a real entry, but if you haven't yet had your daily quota of sexist nonsense, check out these two links.

Melissa McEwan parses the gender segregation at the Discovery Channel Store. (Thanks to Bora for tipping me off to that post.) In case you were wondering where to get your scientific nail polish kit, you now know. And just in time for the holidays!

And the Chronicle news blog reports on the continued sorry state of tenure for women at MIT. The comments will annoy the piss out of you. I swear someday my head will explode when I have to listen yet again to some yahoo natter on about how we can't consider gender in the tenure process because we must only make tenure decisions on the basis of merit. I would be fine with making tenure decisions on the basis of merit, if the notions of merit embedded in the professoriate weren't themselves gendered, and if the process by which people think they are objectively judging merit weren't totally biased. But that's just me.

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You can study it scientifically, gather the data, analyze it, publish it in Science, and have it discussed on NPR. But by golly, if you are asking us to give up cherished stereotypical beliefs about male and female nature, then you can just take your data and shove it, mister! You are wrong,…
A colleague looking to buy Christmas gifts went to the Discovery Channel store page and noticed that boys and girls had two different pages. It's nice to see that a company supposedly dedicated to scientific inquiry has decided that girls don't like or want science. What do I mean? Well, here's…

*helpfully adds 'and the opportunities to gain merit weren't also biased.'

My favorite point to make to the people who are obsessed with 'merit only.' Too bad that requires them to believe in any sort of societal sexism or racism. Sigh.
