Chris Smither's "Origin of Species" Song

Chris Smither did a show last night as part of the Upper Merion Concert Under the Stars series. If you aren't familiar with Chris Smither's music, you should be. He's great. i-d613aeb48ae63a1650b5b423d6d1cd9e-DSC00819a.jpg The pictures I took of him on stage all came out crappy but I like this one I caught of him just before the show. His feet are mic'd during his performance and if you listened with your eyes shut, you'd swear he was accompanied by someone on percussion. But you wouldn't want to listen with your eyes shut because it's so fabulous to watch.

During the show he talked about a recent tour of Australia. He said that he really liked Australia because, among other things, they had a city named Darwin. "That would never happen here," he said in a wry voice, and the audience howled, but with a rueful sort of laughter. All this was by way of prelude to his song "Origin of Species", which is on his new album, Leave the Light On.

The song asks those Bible questions we've all been wondering about, and goes on to talk about evolution:

Charlie Darwin looked so far into the way things are
He caught a glimpse of God's unfolding plan
God said I'll make some DNA, they can use it anyway they want
From paramecium to man
They'll have sex and mix up sections of their code
They'll have mutations
The whole thing works like clockwork over time
I'll just sit back in the shade while everyone gets laid
That's what I call intelligent design!

I'm pretty sure I got those lyrics down right. But why take my word for it? Listen for yourself! Enjoy!

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I no longer live in Philadelphia.

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