It seems all the Science Bloggers are doing it...
...submitting their blogs for rating at this site.
I am so proud to say TSZ came up with an R rating.
Mingle2 - Online Dating
Bora has an NC-17 but he's the only one. He's the only one in lots of ways, though, you know?? (I mean that in a good way, Bora!)
My rating was based on the presence of the following words:
sex (8x) pain (3x) poop (2x) puke (1x)
Now, I am absolutely sure that the word "puke" appears more than one time on this blog, so maybe I really should have an NC-17. But, whatever. I'm no "G" blogger like PZ, Doc Bushwell, Steve & Sandra, or Chad. Nor am I a mere PG-er like those Denialists Mark and Chad, or Josh fighting the good fight out in Kansas, or that respectfully insolent Orac. No, I am an "R" blogger. I'm so....proud?
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It helps that I have something like 50 posts on the front page where the rating gizmo is looking. I am sure that a deeper search of the archives would make all of us rated NC-17 or worse.
Can you believe my blog only rated an NC17???
The rating script thingy found:
rape (6x) ass (3x) fucking (2x) fuck (1x)
Interestingly, my "naughty" words don't overlap with yours at all Zuska.
Unsurprisingly, I only got a G rating. What was surprising was that they found bitch (x1) some where. I cannot imagine where I used it. Perhaps in a spam comment? Mind those are mostly R rated.
Oh in my blogroll...I have "Bitch PhD" listed. Giggles, I'm sooo clean.
Hm...It appears that it only looks at the front page of the blog. At least, on mine I only see it on the front page when I look in the logs. Which explains how I got a G when I should probably get an NC17.....
You have an NC-17 rating now! I'm jealous.