Spring Bloomtime at Jenkins Arboretum

This post is for all who love plants...

I visited the Jenkins Arboretum yesterday. It's located in Devon, PA, a suburb of Philadelphia, on the "Main Line". This arboretum is a real jewel of biodiversity in the midst of a region that has been developed to the ultramax. It has a special focus on rhododendrons and azaleas, and right now the azaleas are in peak bloom.

The eponymous Mr. Jenkins established the arboretum as a living memorial to his wife, Elisabeth, "an avid gardener and wildlife enthusiast". He also stipulated in the terms of the foundation that admission to the arboretum should be free for everyone. It is open 365 days a year, from sunrise to sunset. If you visit, especially if you visit in springtime when the azaleas are in bloom, you will come away in gratitude that all this beauty is made available to you - for free!

I'd like to share with you some of the pictures I took there. It's a pity I can't also share with you the birdsong, and the scent of all the blossoms in the air, and just how clean the air felt in my lungs. (Philly is being very hard on my allergies, sinuses, and overall breathing, so the arboretum was a special treat today.) I also can't share with you what it felt like to be surrounded by, immersed in, so many azaleas in bloom, in the middle of a forest, with native wildflowers blooming at my feet. But the pictures will give you a little taste. If you are ever in the area, go visit, especially if it is spring.

The dark cynic in me says: visit now, while you can, before global warming/climate change ruins it or transforms it beyond recognition. I wonder what Jenkins Arboretum will be like thirty, fifty years from now? Unhappy thoughts. Mr. Zuska, the non-scientist half of the family, is convinced that scientists will develop alternative fuels and find a way to avert the impending disaster of global warming. Our relationship contains one optimist and one pessimist. When Mr. Zuska and I disagree, naturally l like to think I am always right, but this time I hope he's the one who knows better.

But I can't be gloomy forever. Today is members' only day at the Morris Arboretum Plant Sale, and as a member I am entitled to one free bonus plant. I'm thinking I'll take the Sunshine Blue bluebeard. You know I'll buy a bunch of other stuff, too. And when you have stuff to plant, even the biggest pessimist has to become a little optimistic.

So - on to the photos, and I hope you enjoy them.

Walking along the path...


The view from underneath an azalea...




Further along the path...(sorry the focus isn't good...but hopefully you still get the feel)


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Thanks for the pictures,


PS: I need a couple of minions too. Preferably ones who give foot rubs.

PPS: When you comment on my blog, does that make you my minion?