There's a new feed available on Science Blogs, and it's called ScienceBlogs Select. Basically, what you get if you subscribe to this feed is the very best of all of Science Blogs. Each of us flags two or three posts per week to go into this feed, something that we consider to be exceptionally witty or funny or one of our more thought-provoking posts, or something that's very newsy. If you subscribe to this feed you'll be getting the cream of the crop from the whole range of science, from some of the best science writers around.
I'm telling you, it's good stuff!
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There are now 59 blogs on Seed Scienceblogs network - that is a lot of stuff to read! You may choose to start your day on the Last 24 Hours aggregator (that's what I do), or you may subscribe to the entire RSS feed for the whole site, or you may have just picked the feeds for a few of the blogs…
For us at the Weizmann Institute of Science, joining the Scienceblogs site is something of an experiment: a blog for a whole institute. As we envision it, there will be several kinds of contributors. The Institute's leadership will add their thought-provoking views about science, both at the…
A blog is software.
Importantly: a blog is free software.
Everyone can use it in any way they want. If there are 100 million blogs out there, there are 100 million blogging styles and 100 million ideas what blogging "is". And anyone who dares tell others how to do it incurs the wrath of the other…
There's a slight problem with this set-up, in that what a writer considers to be her best work may differ from what her readers consider her best work.
Ah, well. Besides this -- sounds good! ;)