I generally resist doing the meme thing, but I saw this one over at See Jane Compute and I liked the idea of it. It's the year in review, by taking the first sentence of the first blog post of each month. So here goes:
I wonder if Executive Creative Director Don Schneider, of BBDO, (my nominee for the award for Stupidest, Most Offensive, Most Hideously Insensitive, and Most Disgusting Human Being) is still able to picture coal miners singing the song 16 Tons "without any negative feelings"?
A post about my anger at General Electric's egregiously stupid sexy coal miner ad and how it was even more offensive in light of the Sago mine disaster.
A bunch of good stuff from Slate...
Introduced a few articles about morons in Kansas and the science of gender differences.
These two very interesting women, and their websites, came to my attention recently via the WMST-L listserv.
A post about geology and feminism.
Hello again, Zuskateers.
A post entitled "Shakespeare's Sister in the 21st Century", about the concatenation of gender and IT issues.
So, just when you were counting your blessings that you weren't being sexually harassed by a colleague, you find out that
a research project I have spent months trying to get grant support for was the topic of a paper presented at a recent clinical conference; it got a nice award there, too. At least the idea was a good one.
The post is called "Got Ethics?" You take it from there.
It's spring (well, it's almost summer now) and if I haven't mentioned it before, that means three things: gardening, allergies, and, of course, migraines.
This post contains a juicy excerpt of Debra Rolison talking about Title IX as it applies to science.
A friend recently wrote to me "Thanks for your blog that tells the world that being a woman in academia shouldn't have to hurt."
This post, very sadly, laments the passing of Denice Denton. We miss you, Denice.
A report from the Chronicle of Higher Education daily update today highlighted some recent research on access to higher education.
A report on the amazing research finding that money is an issue in college access.
If you have tried to post a comment to this blog in the last few days and got a message telling you it was being held for approval by the blog owner, don't feel bad.
Just after the move to Sb.com; I was still learning how to use the software here.
Okay, on the next three, I am cheating. I'm not taking the first sentence, but rather the "excerpt" sentence that shows in the archives under the title of each entry. The first sentences are really nondescript - "Hi folks" and stuff like that. The excerpt sentences give a better flavor of the post.
Here's a mini-list of things you should never, ever, ever say to someone with disabling migraines...
Pretty self-explanatory.
To ask real, serious, difficult questions about male reproductive health requires challenging ingrained assumptions about what it means to be a man.
A piece about Cynthia R. Daniels' book, "Exposing Men: The Science and Politics of Male Reproduction". I need to do another post or three on this very interesting book.
You may know him now as the jerk-ass who allegedly sexually harassed his secretary.
A piece on Joseph Schlessinger, currently being sued by Mary Beth Garceau. Good luck, Mary Beth!
I don't know how representative these snapshots are, and I don't see any nifty pattern emerging. Four posts don't deal with gender and science at all (the one on college access and money is, I suppose, tangentially related).
The major event of the year was moving the blog to Scienceblogs. I have to say, blogging has been quite a different experience before and after the move. On the positive side: I have access to some really nifty software; I'm part of a community of science bloggers; the blog has a lot more exposure on the new site. On the negative side: the blog has a lot more exposure on the new site. Yes, the number of cranky, head-up-their-ass, moronic commenters has surged dramatically since I moved the blog. They are repetitive, unoriginal, and tiresome. It is difficult for me to figure out why they read a blog that so offends their tender sensibilities, but I think they are much like the young-earth creationists. They have a blind faith in the patriarchy and defend it with a tenacious dedication that will not yield to mere reason. And well they might, for the patriarchy benefits them, and they do not wish to give up its perks and rewards for the sake of equality with women.
On a more whimsical note: the other thing that I miss most after moving the blog to Scienceblogs is the pretty green leafy background of my old blog. The stark white pages of the new site are crisp and clean, and I can do much more with the new template than I could do with the old. But I really, really, really wish it was green. After all, that's what color my blog is supposed to be.
Your Blog Should Be Green |
![]() Your blog is smart and thoughtful - not a lot of fluff. You enjoy a good discussion, especially if it involves picking apart ideas. However, you tend to get easily annoyed by any thoughtless comments in your blog. |
Yes. Thoughtless comments from morons: annoying. And tiresome. Especially when not mitigated by green.
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