Dear Tony Blair, Founder of Tony Blair Faith Foundation

Would you please piss-off. -Dawkins.

Dawkins responds to Mr Blair, who wrote:

The 21st century will be poorer in spirit and ambition, less focused on social justice, less sensitive to conscience and the common good, without a full and proper recognition of the role that the great faiths can and do play. I hope my foundation, in its own way, can work with others in those faiths to help harness their full power to transform our world for the better

How grandiose can a man get! Clearly, Faith facilitates - nay, actively promotes - one to be this delusional. Dawkins exposes this BS for what it is.

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This from the guy who went blundering into Iraq alongside the US? LoL! I thought "hypocrite" was in the Oxford English dictionary? Maybe Tony didn't read that far yet?

He's just pushing the idea that he's religious to try to cover up the fact that he aided the US in their mass slaughter of Iraqis.

An excellent sarcastic piece by dawkins showing the inanity of the logic. You are right faith promotes lack of social justice and conscience more than it impedes.

deang: Sadly, Mr Blair used his religion to justify that decision at the time, much as Mr Bush did (although not so vociferously).

The moral of the story seems to be: don't vote for Godbots because they will do crazy stuff and then claim that God told them to.

By embertine (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink