
Here's a gift idea that I shall dub iPoop.

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Seen pulling into the hospital parking lot this morning, a cardiologist with a vanity license plate on his car. The vanity plate read: LUB DUB (For nonphysicians who may not be aware of the significance of the above, "lub-dub" is the way the two parts of the heart sound with each beat are usually…
Here's a gift idea for any Monty Python fans you might know (and another here). Now if only there were a Night of the Lepus life-sized plush...
I think Amanda's take on Amy Sullivan's denigration of the term pro-choice is pretty dead on. But something else about that interview bothered me, and it was Sullivan's need for religious validation from political figures and parties. In the interview, Sullivan says: When you write off Catholics…
As the holidays draw ever nearer, I've been trying desperately to put together a Christmas list for my family and friends. After a lot of internet-searching and idea-hunting, I've stumbled upon some great nerdy gifts, and I figured I might as well share them with you all. After all, if you read…