Boots Vitamins will make you levitate

Boots is a big healthcare/beauty store here in the UK. I buy a lot of shit-gear for my daughter there. Like all other stores out making a quick buck Boots too harps on the vitamin supplements theme and sell things that would make you levitate, help your mother, and transport you to paradise. But, is there a line which they would not cross, like saying Vitamin B keeps your energy level up? Well, shame on you if you thought they wouldn't. Read DC's Improbable Science on a sting operation that shreds Boots disingenuous marketing.

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I bought some small items at Boots and was surprised when the assistant at the till added me a small bottle when I paid. I asked what this bottle was and she said it was free Vitamin C pills. She was rather surprised when I politely declined it (Vitamin C is good, but I eat loads of fresh fruit and certainly don't need more). And I don't want the clutter either.

Boots do seem to be trying to push us into dependency on pills with high margins but little or no value.

By Sam the Centipede (not verified) on 04 Jan 2008 #permalink