The dirtiest room in the house

I found out today that it's the kitchen through the process of looking and then looking closer. Here's a nominal list of places to verify this truth:
1. Behind the refridgerator
2. Under the kitchen cabinets, near the wall-end
3. Behind the sink tap
4. On the wall right behind the sink tap
5. Wall and counter top around the mixer/grinder
6. Mixer and grinder
7. Around the supporting legs of the kitchen cabinet
8. Under the dirty feet of humans, cats and canines raiding the kitchen

Our kitchen is like a miniature amazon forest, full of bacterial colonies that literally thrive under our noses. I wonder what sort of a malthusian cycle they go through as we carry out our occasional cleaning spree followed by a generous supply of food.

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I think it also has to do with our Indian style cooking. Temper with mustard in oil and the whole cooking range is a mess. You close the dish and temper, the mustard catches fire!
Moving the cooking range and cleaning the floor there, makes me wanna eat take out for the rest of my life.

Oil! We love oil!
the bacteria sing,
and skate on the spoil.
Wooohooo, slurp and zing!

Been reading Ogden a bit. Sorry. :-)