Burma links

i-8d7854ee27f652f87539f449fc5bf14f-monk+3.jpg A Washington Post note on the coming Olympics Event in China as a chance to get the Chinese to act.

BBC on the impossibilities and possibilities.

Burmese bloggers without Borders.

India, of course, is quiet and congratulating itself for carrying the torch of realpolitik; realpolitik that sees only so far as the tip of its bayonet and not beyond. "We're not the only democracy that works with generals", an Indian official is quoted as saying. I salute you, sir, for betraying your people's humane instincts. Role models for living like animals without a shred of empathy and humanity is not in short supply in this world. We certainly are not the only fucking democracy that works with generals. That does not mean we are alright. Quite the contrary.

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