Religious knuckleheads assault author Taslima Nasreen in Hyderabad

Via Rationalist International

Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen [was attached] today by the radical political outfit Majlis Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen (MIM) at the Hyderabad Press Club. She was releasing the Telegu translation of her book "Shodd"...

MIM activists, led by three state Legislative Council members (MLAs), raised slogans against Taslima and flung bouquets and chairs at her and others attending the function. However, no injuries have been reported so far.

MIM leader Akhtar Khan, an MLA, said: "She is enemy of Islam, she is a black spot on Muslims.. We cannot bear anyone talking against Islam. She has written books against Islam. We will not tolerate her in Hyderabad."

They will not tolerate. Of course. Just like how I am unable to tolerate these asinine idiots who have their heads up their religious arses on my beloved planet. It is shameful that these lowlifes are lawmakers. And, they may get re-elected because they are now heroes to their hardline religious community. oh, shit. Hyderabadis, wake up!

Reuters has some more details.

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Taslima Nasreen Is A Bad Virus For mankind. If SomeOne care About mankind And Humanity They Must Rule That She can't Write or lecture on Any Topics And take Any Kind Of action Against Her To Persu This Thanks.

By Taufiq Raihan (not verified) on 10 Aug 2007 #permalink