Thank you, dear crapper, for all the methane

Shit, when suffocated (anaerobic decomposition), produces methane that can be used as fuel to power engines. The catchall name for this is biogas. Biogas projects have a history in India. As a child, I remember checking out a neighbor's plant in my parents' village. All the cow crap would be fed into a fermentation tank and the resulting methane would be used to power water pumps.

The Hindu reports on a trial run for a biogas project to light streets near Chennai. Instead of cow crap, this time, it's human waste. A remark I found as strange as it was insightful:

A. Mohan of Sundaram Fabricators, to whom the project has been assigned, said the model would be ideal for multi-storied apartments.

In one stroke, Mr Mohan brings a remarkable solution to power hungry highrises in cities like Bombay and Chennai. Namakkal, my hometown, has a few installations.

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Not only is this a handy source of power, but my five year old is going to love it when I tell him about it tomorrow.

Seriously though, being a huge fan of the notion of arcologies, this is just another wonderful source of alternative energy for them.

Tara, methane poisoning is certainly a risk. I recall cases back in India a few years ago when biogas installations were becoming popular.