Rotten old men

Ladies and gentlemen, no need for any introductions.

[via reddit]

Senile Age, I abhor thee. Sensible Youth, I adore thee. Here is a young student who shows the idiocy of a priest who is unaware that the pulpit reeks.

Long time ago I lived in Boulder. I was new to the country and was channel surfing. I saw O'Reilly speaking assuredly of things he didn't understand. Well, I didn't know who he was then; I didn't know the channel he was on either, and thought, hey, this guy seems smart and sure. When I mentioned it the next day to an american colleague, he gave a bemused smile. It wasn't long before I understood the reason for the smile. My naivete must have seemed extraordinary to him.

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Another one of those perfect moments where Bill O'Reilly shows the world what a buffoon he is, this time from Media Matters. On his radio show recently, he was talking about how kids who fail a civics test should be shipped to Canada. Gee Bill, maybe if the schools actually taught civics classes,…
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Bill O' Reilly supposedly interviewed Richard Dawkins. Bill had the mike, the studio and the buttons and so Bill jumped on the pulpit and delivered his sermon without having the decency to treat the guest properly (he didn't allow Dawkins to say much). O'Reilly referred to the tides and the (…

Mr Lange did a pretty good job of presenting himself and pointing out O'Reilly's hypocrisy.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 24 Jun 2007 #permalink