The Christmas Sneer

Warning. Rant ahead. As Christmas approaches the advertisements on TV, radio, roadside banners, underarms and butts get more violent and desperate. I saw an ad for a big catalogue ordering company in the UK. It ends with a cheerful and very welcoming sales-counter girl servicing a very satisfied customer. Happiness all over the place. A sight to behold. Like the phone that rings in the cinema hall, a thought occurs to me at this evidently wonderful moment of christmas cheer. It is this: "I have never met a cheerful salesperson in that company's sales counter. What the heck! This is bullshit."

Even if we factor my cynicism in, there's still a huge portion of miserable-failure-of-marketing left at the counter. What gives? My unlearned self thinks marketing must first and foremost be the message that reaches the insides of the company before it is proclaimed to the world. Marketing should inspire and teach a company's employees before it haggles us. Surely, the proof of marketing must be in the pudding. Now, if the desperate marketers would be so kind as to bugger-off from the public airwaves, I would actually have some christmas cheer. Thank you. End of rant.

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Surely, the proof of marketing must be in the pudding.

Small return rant - this has got to be the most mangled metaphor it's been my displeasure to read recently. Can you actually read that and claim that it means anything??

Pay close attention now - the expression is "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." Does that make sense? Of course!

You're welcome.

End of rant.

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 13 Dec 2006 #permalink

I'm sorry, you're talking about an ethical business. They don't really exist. Someone always undercuts them with bullshit.

We just need to get rid of advertising in general. It is a large portion of our economy that is just waste. If some needs something they will find it. The only reason someone needs ads jammed down their throat all day is so they will buy a new Hummer every year.