Indian men have their work cut-out for them. And what's that you ask. It is this: To increase the penis size. Apparently, the international condom size is far too big for Indian men. What isn't apparent is that this gap in size may not be desirable for very valid medical reasons. Larger unfit condoms will not offer the necessary protection. The problem would be compounded by timid men who may not ask for a fix. If more men in India could be persuaded to use condoms regularly, wouldn't the sales figures drive condom makers to rethink the size of their product?
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I don't know what "international" standards are but the American condoms (regular size) are smaller than Serbian condoms (regular size). Which country is following the international standard?
Thank god the Germans have developed a spray-on condom! It's all sizes to all men. But I can just imagine that moment ruined by an empty bottle o'condom... Noooooo!
You enter the condom store. Products on offer are 'Gigantica', 'Magnum', 'Elephant', and 'Wee Willie'. Other customers are present and observing. Which product would you order?
One of the comments in gene-expression provides a 'hint'. From:
"This prediction by Eberhard is supported by Dixson (1987) who has analysed different aspects of penile morphology in primate species and found that size and complexity are indeed related inversely to the number of males that typically mate with each female. Thus for monogamous and polygynous males the penis is smaller and simple in design whereas in multimale/multifemale, or dispersed species, it is larger and more complex. Many species of birds are of course also monogamous which would further support this theory."
May be Indians are very 'moral' people.
Upon closer analysis, this article uses facts to create a twisted tale. This article is pretty much post-colonial subjugation through emasculation (Sepia Mutiny) a possible manifestation of racism. It is actually better to analyze the article first and you will find that the article, like most western media, illustrated the facts to put a negative spin on other racialized bodies and in this case the target is South Asian men:
Another article that specified the study (the second article above) stated that, As per international standards, most condoms are 150 mm to 180 mm (5.9 to 7 inches) in length and 44 to 56 mm (1.70 to 2 inches) in width. But data collected in Mumbai till 2001 showed that 60% of the participants measured 126 to 156 mm (4.96 to 6.14 inches) in length and 30% between 100 and 125 mm (3.93 to 4.92 inches). Adding to this, many studies (in which urologist or other researchers studying the male penis, measured the subjects themselves with a measuring tape as opposed to the self-measurement method done by participants in the Kinsey institute surveys and other penis size surveys) such as the studies done by the American Journal of Urology, International Journal of Impotence Research, LifeStyles Condoms on penis size indicated that contrary to the popular myth of an average penis size being 7 to 8 inches the average human male penis size is 5 to 6 inches. In light of those facts, that means according to the very own studies and findings of the Indian Council of Medical Research, most Indian men in Mumbai are within the average penis size. (If you look up sizes on the internet there are still many who use the flawed Kinsey measurements and methods and contend that the averages range from 6-8 inches but academic sources state otherwise. Now it is also important to note that even the considered average is flawed in many respects but that is another issue entirely).
In regards to this study, how is this any different from what the Lifestyle Condom Survey of Americans concluded back in 2001? A study by Lifestyles Condom Co. in 2001 ( indicated that about two-thirds of the 300 college-aged American males ranged from between 5.1 and 6.2 inches. We can come to the same conclusions about Americans: "Condoms made according to international sizes are too large for a majority of Americans (66% to be exact)." Or "Condoms designed to meet international size specifications are too big for many American men as their penises fall short of what manufacturers had anticipated." Or "Initial findings of a Lifestyle Condoms Co penis survey revealed that 66 percent of American men on spring break in Cancun had penises about 2.4 cm (one inch) shorter than those condoms catered for."
And the BBC article failed to note that in the study that, "the failure rate was lower in clinical trials, and many complaints were about tearing, not slippage, so the main problem is proper use, not size (" Adding to this the average human male penis size is 5 to 6 inches and the article stated that 60% of the Indian men were in this range; it may be that the international sizes of condoms are flawed themselves. Skeptics of this article also question if they have done studies in other countries, including the ones that "set" the international standards, to see how many men actually "measure up" to those standards? And how is this international standard set?
AND, they selected over 1200 males which were actually 1500 males and all of these males were from Mumbai (and some from Delhi alone). The article says "the scientists even checked their sample was representative of India as a whole" but failed to mention that the men surveyed were from Mumbai (and some from Delhi) ALONE. From the analysis of people in one state they generalized an entire country! That may be the average for Mumbai alone not all of India. India has over 20 states and many union territories and contrary to popular belief India has a great deal of diversity in regards to culture, environment etcetera, etcetera. That is like surveying the size of shlongs in the New York State finding the average in New York and stating that, the average shlong size of adult males in New York is the average shlong size for all adult males in America even though there are over 40 different areas (States) in America. Another issue raised was that since an estimated 350-400 million people in India are below the poverty line, this article never discussed the issues of malnutrition in India along with the pollution in Mumbai in regards to human development as a factor and as a variable.
Brain is the most important part during sex.