Friday Blog Roundup

Bloggers help us stay on top of environmental news:

  • Andrew Revkin at Dot Earth brings us the grim news from a new federal report on climate change impacts: thereâs a 90-percent likelihood that the frequency and intensity of heat waves and heavy downpours will rise.
  • Andrew Schneider at Secret Ingredients reports that the Supreme Court has rejected appeals by asbestos giant W.R. Grace, clearing the way for company officials to stand trial for knowingly endangering the lives of its workers and residents of Libby, Montana.
  • Kate Sheppard at Gristmill keeps tabs on a flurry of fuel-related legislation in the House (including a bill to increase funding for public transit), and updates us on the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warmingâs hearing on fuel efficiency standards.
  • Robert McClure at Dateline Earth provides some perspective on the Florida governmentâs purchase of U.S. Sugar holdings, which will allow for a massive ecological restoration project connecting the Everglades to Lake Okeechobee.


Shirah at reports on a hearing about OSHAâs poor record on enforcing construction safety rules â and follows it with a reminder of some of the good things that OSHA employees are getting done at construction workplaces.

Jennifer Nelson at Science Progress gives us the numbers on additional funding for research and education thatâs moving through Congress.

Merrill Goozner critiques Scott Gottlieb (a formal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid official) and the mainstream media for their columns, or lack thereof, on the Medicare legislation that just passed the house.

Jennifer Sass at NRDCâs Switchboard breaks down the nanomaterials loopholes in the EUâs chemical safety legislation that a new effort aims to close.

Ed Yong at Not Exactly Rocket Science shares some good news about fish making a comeback in the worldâs largest no-fishing zone.

Marianne Mollmann at RH Reality Check explains the implications of the UN Security Councilâs historic declaration about rape in war.

Christine Gorman at Global Health Report shares some of her impressions from one visit to the pediatric ward of a hospital in Malawi, where sheâs spending her four-month Nieman Fellowship for Global Health Reporting learning about the challenges and opportunities that Malawiâs nurses face.


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