Occupational Health News Roundup

Back in March, a Boston Globe article by Farah Stockman broke the news that workers whoâd been cleaning up the Qarmat Ali water injection plant in Iraq had been exposed to something that they were told was only a mild irritant â but which was, in fact, the dangerous substance sodium dichromate. After that report, Senator Byron Dorgan began investigating the situation, and chaired a Democratic Policy Committee hearing last week on the experiences of soldiers assigned to guard the plant. Stockman reports on the hearing testimony:

"These soldiers were bleeding from the nose, spitting blood," said Danny Langford, an equipment technician from Texas brought to work at the Qarmat Ali Water treatment plant in 2003. "They were sick."

"Hundreds of American soldiers at this site were contaminated" while guarding the plant, Langford said, including members of the Indiana National Guard.

Langford is one of nine Americans who accuse KBR, the lead contractor on the Qarmat Ali project and one of the largest defense contractors in Iraq, of knowingly exposing them to sodium dichromate, an orange, sandlike chemical that is a potentially lethal carcinogen. Specialists say even short-term exposure to the chemical can cause cancer, depress an individual's immune system, attack the liver, and cause other ailments.

This hearing is "one among several organized to hold contractors accountable for alleged malfeasance in Iraq."

In other news:

Charlotte Observer: Doctors who see patients injured on the job report being pressured by the patientsâ employers to respond to and classify the injuries in ways that will not affect companiesâ injury records.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: In July 2005, a 56-year-old agricultural worker who came from Mexico to the US on a temporary H2A visa died of a heat stroke while harvesting tobacco in North Carolina. In the U.S. between 1992 and 2006, 423 worker deaths from heat exposure were reported. (via Effect Measure)

Washington Post: Under a bill that passed the House by a wide margin, federal employees would receive greater family leave benefits, including four weeks of paid parental leave after a birth or adoption.

Chicago Tribune: Despite improvements in recent years, the Veterans Administration still falls short when it comes to caring for female veterans. Problems range from insufficient OB/GYN services to difficulties getting help for military sexual trauma, something with which one in five female veterans seeking care has been diagnosed with.

New York Times (op-ed): Poor conditions for banana workers in several Latin American countries are part of the equation that keeps the price we pay for bananas so low. That equation may change as a banana fungus makes its way around the globe.

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Workers repairing the Qarmat Ali water injection plant in Iraq were told that the orange substance strewn around the facility was only a mild irritant â but after two-and-a-half months of exposure to it, many workers felt ill. Farah Stockman reports in the Boston Globe: But the chemical turned out…
What's a little sodium dichromate, anyway? So it's a known human carcinogen and can do a lot of other nasty things. No big deal. Not for Iraq war contractor, KBR, anyway. At the time KBR was a subsidiary of Defense Secretary Rumsfeld's Vice President Dick Cheney's former company, Halliburton. So…
by revere, cross-posted at Effect Measure What's a little sodium dichromate, anyway? So it's a known human carcinogen and can do a lot of other nasty things. No big deal. Not for Iraq war contractor, KBR, anyway. At the time KBR was a subsidiary of Defense Secretary Rumsfeld's Vice President Dick…

I have researched hexavalent chromium (sodium dischromate/ CrVI/Cr6) and have written a fiction novel that contains a good deal of legitimate research. You might want to check it out. You can download it for free. After learning about Cr6 I felt convicted to share with whoever was willing to read, regardless of whether I got paid. So please, all of you who were exposed or know people who have, read this novel, "The Cr6 Terrorist" by KA Shott

By kim shott (not verified) on 04 Oct 2008 #permalink

I JUST received a letter informing me of my exposure on Feb 20, 2009. Sure does explain alot of things that my doctor and the VA hospital have been telling me are not unusual.

Michael, I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope you and your fellow soldiers are able to get the care you need.