Ten Weird Things About Me? Say It Ain't So!

[Editor's note: Dr. Stemwedel has started this particular meme on ScienceBlogs. In the spirit of merriment if not utter buffoonery the narrator of this site feels compelled to join in - the twerp.]

Confiteor, Pater Optime!

1. I can identify automobile makes and models from circa 1965 on instantly, for example, "There goes a 1973 Caprice Classic." This talent has gotten me nowhere.

2. I have a large collection of vintage horror and science fiction films, although I draw the line at The Brain That Wouldn't Die.

3. Certain food items that seem harmless are repulsive to me: cherries, coconut, Froot Loops, Grape Kool-Aid, meat loaf with corn in it (no jury in the world would ever convict me), Jello infused with little marshmallows, soft-boiled eggs. This pretty much answers the question "Did he ever live in a fraternity?"

4. I once grew a beard and then shaved it down into half a goatee, a la Man Ray.

5. My best friend and I used to moon the entire town of Tipton, Iowa from its water tower. No one ever noticed. This did not stop us from bragging about it to anyone within earshot.

6. Smelling the perfume "Tabu" evokes memories of a summer long, long ago, and of a girl whom I still dream of.

7. I like to sing Christmas Carols in German, even if it gives Thomas Hampson a splitting headache.

8. For absolutely no fee nor special recognition I will do what critics consider to be brilliant impressions of Barney, Elmo, Bullwinkle, Frank Nelson, Humphrey Bogart and the ursine trio in "Bugs Bunny and the Three Bears."

9. I have never seen Gone with the Wind and, frankly my dear, I never will.

10. Having lived through three tornadoes, they remain an obsession. I would gladly chase them for a living, if only a living was available to earn from chasing them. Suddenly I'm writing country-western music.

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Ah Tabu! The first guy I fell in love with, more than 50 years ago, gave me Tabu and I wore it for years--long after he was gone. Do you think they still make it?

OK, the girl of whom you still dream made me laugh out loud. BTW: I hear she's available if you still want her.

...circa 1965, huh? OK, 1962 Chevy II. Betcha you can't...

jmb, the Wall Street Journal had an article recently on the subject of perfumes long thought dead. seems there's a company that buys discontinued fragrances and stores them under conditions that maintains the fragrance for sale. check out the web and you'll find the vendor.

By John J. Coupal (not verified) on 08 Mar 2007 #permalink

I may be wrong, since I have both chemo brain and surgically induced menopause, but I believe The Vermont Country Store carries Tabu in its catalog.
One can make a living chasing tornadoes - check out chase vacation services on the Web. Tis the season.

Oddly enough, I, too, have lived through three tornadoes. We should start a club.