2006 Weblog Awards Finalists Announced

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While wandering around ScienceBlogs yesterday I read that my fellow med-blogger Orac has been nominated as a finalist in the 2006 Weblog Awards under the catagory "Best Medical/Health Issues Blog." Congratulations to him and to the other ScienceBloggers finalists: Pharyngula, Deltoid, Good Math Bad Math and Mixing Memory.

Unaccustomed as I am to self-promotion I wasn't sure if I should bleat the news that I was nominated too, but since we live in interesting times I asked myself "What would the typical Hollywood celebrity do?" Thus you see my decision to join the glittering crowd of egotistical gasbags out hustling their puerile talents.

I feel so much better now - I can almost hear you all wishing me the best...

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Congratulations! You are supposed to say, "It is an honor just to be nominated." At least that is what all the movie stars say at the Oscars ...

Of course I wish you the best! Right now, I wish all oncologists nothing but great big glasses of [insert favorite beverage] and a world full of bouncing, neverending pink kittens.

I came to your website via "As The Tumor Turns". Thanks for the Sunday poem from Neruda. I haven't thought about his work in a long time. Your choice is propitious because of Pinochet's death this week. It also inspired me to write about Neruda myself. Come visit The Testosterone Zone.