AskaSciBlogger Question for July 19th

If you could have practiced science in any time and any place throughout history, which would it be, and why?

Without hesitation I would choose to be sitting on the front steps of a certain hospital in Baltimore that had just opened for business in 1889, waiting for a certain transplanted Canadian to come ambling up toward the front doors. As he approached I would rise and doff my hat to him, saying "Excuse me, Sir? I am a graduate of the University of Iowa medical school and have traveled here to offer myself up for study and hard work, so that I may become the type of physician that you would be proud of. Will you give me a chance at a house officer position here? I will not take no as an answer."

How could this distinguished gentleman refuse such a heartwarming proposal? He wouldn't accuse me of being an (expletive deleted) would he?

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