Insane Clown Posse hatin' on science

You may recall a small brouhaha among science fans some time back when the clowns in Insane Clown Posse released a video of a song declaring their hatred for "scientist[s], y'all motherfuckers lying and getting me pissed." The offense of scientists? Trying to answer bog-simple questions like "fuckin' magnets, how do they work?"

When ICP did a show in San Francisco, folks from the Noisebridge technology/hacking collective took to the streets. They brought posters explaining science, labcoats, and ICP-style facepaint. And by all accounts, they were well received by the assembled ICP fans ("Juggalos").

Things only went awry when the band heard about it. ICP frontman Violent J twat that roadies:

Corp, Dougie & Sugar Slam ran those scientist haters offâ¦

Noisebridge's website organizing this event quotes Violent J from a previous interview, explaining: "Us Juggalos have deep imaginations, and an awesome sense of humor." Not quite.

Then again, that same interview about their views on science followed the comment about their awesome sense of humor with the recommendation that their critics "have a dick for dinner." So maybe VJ has a different sense of what's funny.

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