Shorter Denyse O'Leary

Darwinism and popular culture: Darwinists resort to whining when they are not popular (Also, this just in, water runs downhill):


In responding to a news item from two weeks ago, I'll assume Creation still has gotten a distributor. Therefore it's crummy and boring and will never get a distributor, as it did last week.

With Bonus Shorter D'oh! Leary: Origin of life theory: Complexity theorist Kauffman moving on:

I don't know who Stuart Kauffman is or what he does, but he sure isn't a genius. Neither is Bill Dembski, who at least has the courtesy not to self-aggrandize, for instance by blurbing himself as the Isaac Newton of Information Theory.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™ Disclaimer care of Sadly, No!

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I spent half a day with Kauffman years ago at the Santa Fe Institute. Even in a massive cast on his upper body due to a recent auto accident he was a compelling speaker. His "Origins of Order" is a difficult book but was pregnant with some interesting ideas. Many have not et been followed up. (Yet)

There's going to come a time when laughing at Denyse becomes boring. I hope it's not for some time, though.

I try to take these guy seriously - they're human after all, and it's cruel to mock. But they keep on upping the ante.

Denyse's entire life consists of whining about "Darwinists".
A pity that she doesn't understand the science behind evolution, but then again those religious blinkers are super glued to her head and would interfere if she tried to educate herself.

By Joe Morstan (not verified) on 24 Mar 2010 #permalink