Let Chu ride the train!

Project Steve member, Nobel Prize winner, and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu talks to the Times:

Was anyone in your family impressed when you won the Nobel Prize in Physics?

Probably, but who knows? I called my mother up when they announced the Nobel Prize, waiting until 7 in the morning. She said, âThatâs nice â and when are you going to see me next?â

Is it true you donât drive a car?

My wife does, but I no longer own a car. Let me just say that in most of my jobs, I mostly rode my bicycle.

And now?

My security detail didnât want me to be riding my bicycle or even taking the Metro. I have a security detail that drives me.

How do you feel about adding carbon emissions to the air?

I donât feel good about it.

I guess the president wants to keep you alive.

My wife is in favor of that as well.

Now, I want him alive also, but if Mayor Bloomberg can ride the subway to work, shouldn't Chu be able to do the same?

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Agreed. But here in RI Mayor David Cicilline has a car and police driver. And Governor Don Carcieri has a car and State Police driver.

Agreed. But here in RI Mayor David Cicilline has a car and police driver. And Governor Don Carcieri has a car and State Police driver.

Not that these guys aren't accessible. I say give them bicycles in the case of Cicilline and a moped for Carcieri.

(Cough) (Gasp) (Cough) (Wheeze) (Cough). I think (Cough) that he should try biking to work in midtown Manhattan, NY where it will be a toss-up whether his odds of getting d-e-a-d are greater from air (Cough) pollution or collisions with a taxi, bus, car, truck, pedestrian, other bike rider, dog, horse-pulled carriage, police horse, shopping cart , low-flying plane on its way to a landing in the Hudson River (Gasp)....or all at the same time.

By Involved1 (not verified) on 21 Apr 2009 #permalink

Bloomberg's subway riding is a farce. His security detail picks him up at his home, drives him to the subway, and pick's him up at the other end.

It's a PR stunt, nothing more.