Fighting them there because...

The Star's Buzz blog reports:

According to the AP, President Bush plans to rally support for the war by citing intelligence reports that have Osama bin Laden ordering "a terrorist unit to hit targets outside Iraq, and that the United States should be first [hit]."

At some point, we were "fighting them there so we don't have to fight over here," a silly argument that only gets sillier when combined with the claim that they are perfectly happy to do both. If they are planning to fight us elsewhere, shouldn't we get out of Iraq and prepare for that attack? Better yet, prevent it?

We're fighting them there because George Bush has no idea how to beat them.

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We are fighting them here too!~ Todays blogs are filled with posts about Christian Terrorists trying to strike at Falwell's funeral!

Yeah. The Bush administration uses the "fighting them there so we don't have to fight over here," argument to say
that, if we pull out of Iraq, the terrorist will follow us home. To that I usually reply:

Fine! Bring 'em on. I much prefer the home field advantage to playing in their sand box in the Middle East. Besides, they're already here.


By Guitar Eddie (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink