
"Scooter" Libby is guilty of obstruction of justice, perjury, and making false statements to federal officers. He did so to protect his boss, Dick "Go F--- Yourself" Cheney from an investigation into who ordered a covert agent's identity to be exposed. His lies prevented the investigation from moving on to Cheney and other administration figures, protecting the person truly responsible for endangering investigations into weapons proliferation.

Libby was acquitted of one charge, that he lied to the FBI about a conversation with Matt Cooper of Time magazine, but convicted him of lying about a conversation with Tim Russert.

Hey, at least he didn't get oral sex from an intern. That would be disreputable, and might mean that the entire Republican party is the party of perjury and obstruction of justice. As it is, I imagine the Cheney administration will carry on as before.

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The question I have been asking is if, now that he's convicted, Libby will try to cut a deal and turn over evidence against the Bush administration that this was all intentional. (The least likely outcome, IMO.)

Or if he will take one for the team and go to the slammer. His lawyers are already preparing thier appeal.

And if he does go to jail, will Bush pardon him?

Now, if Bush pardons Libby, I will be very curious to see how this plays in the press and with the Bush supporters. Essentially a pardon will be tacit aknowledgement that Bush thinks it's ok to lie, but I doubt any of the RRR will see it that way.

I think pardons are one of the few mistakes in the consititution...but that's another discussion.
