Kline to run for Johnson County DA

The KS GOP Insider and the Star both confirm that outgoing pantysniffer Attorney General Phill Kline is working for votes to take the job of the guy who took his job. Paul Morrison has been the Johnson County DA for a long time, serving as a Republican. He switched parties and booted Kline out of office. A few days ago, Kline switched his voter registration to a Kansans for Life apartment in Johnson County, which fueled speculation that he was going to make a bid for Morrison's old job.

The way this works, is that Morrison had to step down as DA. That means that the party he was elected to local office by gets to pick his replacement. So tonight the local party leadership will gather and elect a Republican to fill out Morrison's term. While Kline has still not officially announced, he has apparently been making recorded calls to party leadership trying to scrape up enough support to win.

Interestingly, switching from a statewide office to a county job would actually give him a salary hike. Whether it would curb his interest in the sexual habits of young women is not clear.

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It will be (yes, I assume it will happen) typical of the Ks. Repubs to ignore the 65-35% trouncing Kline took from JoCo voters, when they anoint him tonight. Because They Know They're Right.

Kline is singularly unsuited to be a DA. He has virtually no courtroom experience, though he boasts of having argued before the Supreme Court. That is much different from doing the day-to-job of a District Attorney, which involves actually courtroom expertise.

I don't believe the Repubs (and it would have to be the KRA faction) will appoint Kline, unless someone is applying a LOT of pressure. And since Kline was trounced so decisively, I don't imagine they would have the stomach to appoint him. If they do, they're dumber and more ideological than I think. And that's going some.

The KS GOP just doesn't get it, do they? They are not exactly popular these days in Johnson County and now they are rubbing our faces in it by imposing this lunatic on us.

By The Old Man Fr… (not verified) on 12 Dec 2006 #permalink

Wow, they actually did it tonight.

As much as I detest Phill Kline anything that further shows that so many in the Kansas GOP don't give a crap about moderate voters or their concerns will be a net positive. Apparently throwing a bone to a widely despised abortion foe is more important to them than finding a DA with actual experience.