Far too early to predict

It looks likely that Republican Sally Cauble will win the State Board of Ed. seat in western Kansas. Not a lot of precincts have reported, but the margin is huge and the district is Republican.

The Weiss/Bacon race is still too close, with only 8 of 295 districts reporting. The 9 of 400 districts reporting in the Wempe/Willard race are going for Wempe, but I expect that'll tighten up. The Runyan Shaver race is also tied.

Not a lot of surprises in the statewide races. Sebelius and Morrison are up by enormous margins, but the urban districts that report early will favor Democrats. Boyda's lead in the early count can be attributed to the same cause.

The Ohio Secretary of State isn't reporting numbers until the extended polling hours end at 10 (9 central), so we have to wait a little longer for those Board of Ed races.

Update: Early returns make it look like Deborah Owens-Fink is going down.

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Man, that would be great to pick up another seat or two on the Board of Ed. Looks like both races are going to be tough.

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