Send GrrlScientist to Antarctica

No, this is not mean - we all like GrrlScientist, the evolutionary biologist/ornithologist and freelance science/nature writer who blogs at Living the Scientific Life (bio here).

But yes, we want to send her to Antarctica. Far away. For a month.

There are currently 338 bloggers competing in "Blog Your Way to Antarctica," a competition sponsored by Quark Expeditions.

The Official Quark Blogger will travel with a guest to Antarctica in February 2010 and blog about their experience, chronicling the action, the emotion, and the drama as their polar adventure unfolds.

Following her latest update this morning, Grrl has now moved back into 2nd place and needs our help (and votes) as the competition continues through 30 September.

My appeal to Terra Sig readers is not a mindless endorsement simply because Grrl blogs here under the ScienceBlogs network. GrrlScientist has a very long record of posting superb nature and science writing seasoned with brilliant photography. My knowledge of birds has grown exponentially since I began reading her blog.

I can think of no other blogger I've encounted in my four years doing this who would do a better job chronicling the Antarctic expedition than Grrl. In fact, I cited Grrl as one of my blog inspirations in my very first blogpost at the original Terra Sigillata site (15 Dec 2005 - A Humble PharmBoy Begins to Sow).

The voting does require some effort so it is clearly not a crashable popularity contest. You are required to register your e-mail address, get a validation e-mail, and can only vote once. So every vote really does count. And it is well worth the effort because I am certain that the 60 seconds you take now will be paid back manifold by the richness of the writing and photography you will enjoy daily during the month of February should GrrlScientist be selected as the Official Quark Blogger to Antarctica.

The only critical thing you need to know is that Grrl is listed under her real name. Her 300-word essay describing her qualifications are here at the Quark Expeditions site. If you click there to read her essay, you can then click the "Vote Now" box to the right which will take you to the voter registration page.

Thank you for your consideration.

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I am also competing. I see this as a real opportunity for a writer, not necessarily for a scientist or someone whose political views may color the experience one way or another. Obviously this is an assignment for a naturalist, but ideally one who can convey what theyâre experiencing in a way that interests others, and in a way that others can understand.

After all, Quark is trying to sell more trips to (essentially) tourists.

Check out my entry and vote for me here:

and what could sell more trips than Donny Osmond, Jr. eh?

By Cashmoney (not verified) on 25 Aug 2009 #permalink