Where to buy dichloroacetate...

...has been the number one Google search term leading people to the blog this week - and that worries me.

As I wrote about a week ago, dichloroacetate, or DCA, is the molecule tested recently by a team at University of Alberta for its ability to slow the growth of human lung cancer in immunocompromised rats. Among DCA's action is the ability to prevent cancer cells from producing lactic acid via aerobic glycolysis, a process used by more than half (but not all) tumors. Scientists continue to debate whether this process is a cause of cancer, or just a byproduct of malignant cell transformation.

I am deeply concerned that desperate cancer patients may be trying to purchase dichloroacetate (DCA) and self-treat for cancer based on this highly-hyped single paper. To the credit of the researchers and their institution, who have set up a website to address the intense interest, they discourage such practice:

At this point, the University of Alberta, the Alberta Cancer Board and Capital Health do not condone or advise the use of dichloroacetate (DCA) in human beings for the treatment of cancer since no human beings have gone through clinical trials using DCA to treat cancer. However, the University of Alberta and the Alberta Cancer Board are committed to performing clinical trials in the immediate future in consultation with regulatory agencies such as Health Canada. We believe that because DCA has been used on human beings in Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials of metabolic diseases, the cancer clinical trials timeline for our research will be much shorter than usual.

I had mentioned that one of my old profs has been studying DCA for almost 30 years as a treatment for rare metabolic diseases. One of his abstracts just reminded me of another risk of unguided use of DCA: it can be metabolized to oxalic acid, a key component of kidney stones. (For some reason, we've been talking a lot about kidney stones over the last few days.). Oxalic acid is also the metabolite of ethylene glycol-based automotive antifreeze that can cause renal failure and death, often in pets that lick the sweet green fluid when owners flush their car radiators.

Again, if you stumbled on this post by looking for where you can buy dichloroacetate (DCA), please do not use the substance and please consult with your oncologist if you are thinking of doing so. While DCA has been the subject of clinical trials for rare metabolic diseases, it has never been tested in cancer patients. We have no idea how DCA will affect the metabolism of other drugs, including chemotherapy, and I am concerned since high doses can have dramatic effects on systemic pH and kidney function.

I strongly support that DCA be tested against certain cancers in clinical trials and it sounds as though the Alberta group is about to do so. But also remember that this drug has only been tested against cancer cells grown in culture and against only one human tumor model in rats. This is very early in the drug development process and certainly far too early for patients to think about self-medication with DCA, particularly if they are already receiving therapies with known benefits and risks.

If not for this blog and the Google search results feature of SiteMeter, I would not have known just how widespread interest was in purchasing DCA. I hope that those of you considering such action will recognize that the effectiveness of DCA against human cancer has not been evaluated. Moreover, please recognize the damage that might be done by DCA in a cancer patient, taken with or without other drugs, has not been assessed.

I would also encourage oncology professionals to be on the lookout for cancer patients with unexplained changes in renal function or electrolytes, peripheral neuropathy, or elevated serum hepatic transaminases - as DCA is widely-available, there is a high probability that clinical professionals will be encountering patients with DCA toxicity if my search queries are any indication of the pervasiveness of interest in this as-yet untested therapy for human cancers.

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Sending you some traffic on these DCA posts

Why not put the recipe for those people to make their own Dichloroacetate on their kitchen sink, with standard bleach ? Once they drink the bleach mixture, they'll figure pretty quick that do-it-yourself chemotherapy ranks equal with self brain surgery.

Well geez man, why don't you just tell them how to deal with the oxalic acid, to get blood tests. You are talking to people who have a death warrant, maby days or weeks to live. If they die from DCA, at least they will have gone out fighting instead of just being poisoned, butchered, scorched with radiation, then given a super pain killing dose of radiation for that last 30 days of oxycontin and/or morphine. You should be using your expertiss to tell people how to use it with some measure of safety, not just engage them with fears about DCA, without telling them how to deal with those issues. Why don't you tell them how many people DIE every year from chemotherapy, cancer surgery, and radiation? Tell them what their survival chances are if they have non small cell lung cancer. First do no harm. When that is a hard issue to decide, then try to help the patient make the best decision possible for HIS SURVIVAL.

By Robert Smith (not verified) on 11 Feb 2007 #permalink

Promote DCA and let Darwin prevail. As of now, it appears to be just another altie way of culling the herd.


So now you are an expert on oxalic acid, too? Oxalic acid is a calcium chelator and can be poisonous to most cells. It is also a glycolytic inhibitor. Actually, oxalic acid could very well hasten the death of cancer patients.

By S. Rivlin (not verified) on 13 Feb 2007 #permalink

Robert bleated and brayed:

"You are talking to people who have a death warrant, maby days or weeks to live."

Perhaps in some cases that may be true since most people resort to AltMed when there is no other choice.

HOWEVER, that is not always the case. There are many who would prefer to forego chemo, surgery and radiation, and, in the process of using DCA, they may delay effective treatment to the point of no return.

And that, is the major problem with the hype.

My sister has recurrent un-treatable ovarian cancer What we would like to know is where a doctor, oncologist or not, can look to find DCA as it is not in the PDR for physicians in Canada. The risks would be weighed, before any decision is made, but even that does no good if we can't find it. Can anyone tell me where it can be found, in what form. Please answer to my email thanks


My heart goes out to you; but, inarguably your best recourse is to consult an oncologist. It requires specialized knowledge to use any treatment. Plus, no reputable supplier will give or sell you any DCA. So, if you find a source, you know it is either disreputable or a well-meaning fool.

Really sorry; but those are the facts. You must see a doctor, please.

I am very interested in this medication for my very ill cousin. How much does it cost and where can it be purchased?

Thank you,

By Gloria M. Lopez (not verified) on 17 Feb 2007 #permalink

Dear Marilyn,

Have you explored clinical trials? Patients and caregivers can search for trials at "http://clinicaltrials.gov".

Your sister doesn't need her oncologist's permission to consider and participate in a clinical trial, but I think you should encourage the investigators you consult to commmunicate with her oncologist about the study protocol to guard against investigator bias.

Contact information for the investigator is provided near the bottom of each protocol.

In general patients in clinical trials are closely supervised and monitored for safety. In my view participation in a study will give your sister the best chance to manage the disease and it will help future patients as well.

Wishing you and your sister all the best.

~ Karl (Patients Against Lymphoma)

Gloria, did you not read the post? There is a route for people wanting to be experimented on, and it's the clinical trials outline above. Our heart goes out to you and your cousin, and it's totally understandable to try to do anything you can, but you will be doing your cousin more harm than good by presuming you know more than the doctors and trying to buy some chemical off a shady internet site.

Oncologists will not want this product to work. So of course they will not recommend using it.

It is like asking a tax preparer if they believe in getting rid of income tax and going to a national sales tax.


From your silly expression of concern abut oxalic acid and kidney stones I take it you are more interested in displaying your knowledge than in addressing a disease you do not suffer from.

Peripheral neuropathy, neoplasia, organ damage and cognitive impairment are all signatures of approved chemotherapies. The risks associated with theraputic doses of sodium dichloroacetate are well understood and largely reversible.

Let's not play down the hope raised by work at the University of Alberta, that reactivating mitochondria may restore their role in regulating apoptosis. Comments about antifreeze? "Let them eat bleach?" Oh, please.

Contemporaneous work by Valeria Fantin and Phil Leder at Harvard Medical School with the glycolytic pathway "reveals a surprising Achilles heel in cancer cells." Fantin and Leder are working with RNA, not the DCA molecule; however these two widely divergent approaches both lead to apoptosis in cancer, but not normal, cells. Interesting.

When my cancer becomes refractory (any day now) I'll ask my oncologist for an off-label prescription. Even though the experiment will likely fail we will have advanced our knowledge of this disease. The existing standard of care for refractory cancer is basically an Rx for morphine, so I won't be risking much.

No clinical trial with DCA is now available and none will be available in time to benefit me. In the unlikely event my oncologist is unwilling to gamble would I buy directly from a supplier and self-medicate ? You betcha :-) Regular tests to verify hepatic and renal function, of course.

I do find it unfortunate that the Canadian researchers have tried for a year now to obtain funding for stage III clinical trials, without finding any institution willing to underwrite this promising, but unprofitable chance at a cure. I also find it sad that the signal to noise ratio in forums like this one is abysmal. Culling the herd? Oh, brilliant.

I think I found a cheap potential cancer cure, using flavonoids.

Contemporaneous work by Valeria Fantin and Phil Leder at Harvard Medical School with the glycolytic pathway "reveals a surprising Achilles heel in cancer cells." Fantin and Leder are working with RNA, not the DCA molecule; however these two widely divergent approaches both lead to apoptosis in cancer, but not normal, cells. Interesting.

Flavonoids do the same

Steven, we try to do our best here to cite original literature. I believe you are referring to another Cancer Cell paper where knocking down lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA - the enzyme that converts pyruvate into lactate) reduced tumor cell proliferation under hypoxia and the tumorigenicity of cells when placed into immunocompromised animals. While they are working with compounds that mimic this effect, no flavonoid can do the same at concentrations that can be achieved in the body.

If you have information to the contrary, you may post it here for all of us to evaluate.

Flavonoids can't do the same. Please explain... Thank you.

Capsaicin (the "heat" in hot peppers) is supposed to fight cancer. Perhaps pepper spray in a capsule.... ?

I'm researching DCA on the web this evening because my best friend is dying of cancer. He only has months to live and all the current treatments have failed. I came across this article, which I thought treated the subject with much more respect than the author of this post and authors of many of the other comments. Perhaps you guys should read it:


rather than telling people in our position what to or not to do.

Listen, regardless of what this site or any other says, if you people want to try DCA and figure out whether it works or not, it is nobody's place to tell you different. It's not some doctor or website blogger or pharmaceutical company's place to tell you "No, you cant". Hell its not even the government's place to tell you what treatment you cannot try, its your own damn life.

I woul like to say not only did my father in law who was given a 6 month death warrant, also his pharamacist who ran some tests on it prior to both of them trying it. They both have the same encologist who will run scans at certain intervals. If there is no change in two months they will quit. At this point neither of them have anything to loose.
I will say by your writings the buydca.com site does tell you they recommend you are over seen by your doctor.
They tell you everything but they also tell you to be careful on your dosage and offer a measurement on amount based on weight especially in elderly people very low does and possibly not every day.

I will let you know how they make out.


I would also like to say that you all know about clinical trials and if you arent 5'4 130 lbs have way into remission blah blah blah.... they are a joke.

My father in law could have a bone marrow transplant if he wasnt 65 years old. Chemo has almost killed him and yes this dca is a form of chemo which they explain to you right on the site. So I'm sorry what are they hiding????

God forbid the government actually find a cure for cancer - they would be screwed out of all those millions of dollars - there was a news report on that a couple of weeks ago. The government cant afford to find a cure, they need to keep treating it thou ... that is just a little food for thought.

By they way can't be too hard to find the pharmacist that is also taking it found a place to purchase it in bulk. There are places that doctors can prescribe it as a treatment ... hmmmmm more later kids need to be put to bed ... night all and good luck to all who try it.

A friend from Italy who is a doctor and has lung cancer has used DCA and woked, he is in need for more of the drug and cannot find it anymore. Is there a site where he can purchase it?

Desperately needing DCA to save a life.

In Toronto, Canada there is a clinic operated by licensed doctors that is treating terminally ill cancer patients with DCA.

These are human beings like my friend who started DCA treatment today, I found the clinic by reading the forums at the DCA site.

These physicians charge only the cost of the DCA and the other supplements being used to control the side effects, only around 150USD weekly

DCA is not a new drug it has been in use for over 20 years the side effects are well known and controllable

My friend who is now near the end of her life is 47 years old she has suffered with the effects of the surgeries,chemo treatments and radiation now for three years, her life has been close to a living hell as were the lives of my brothers,my grand mother and many of my friends after they were diagnosed with cancer.

I am not a doctor and don't need to be one to understand the effects of the present accepted cancer treatments.

My friend will probably not survive but she has this one ray of hope, I was looking hoping I could find a place to purchase DCA for her when I found the Toronto clinic

Telling a dying person that they have to wait for clinical trial results is ridicuous, the side effects of waiting are death. I have not found any information that claims DCA has caused the death of one human being

I have no doubt that people who hear about DCA will obtain it from some where and try to self administer it and I have no doubt that the unsupervised use of DCA will cause sickness and death, Perhaps the solution would be for the medical community to prescribe and supervise the treatment of DCA maybe it will actually save some lives.

The use and clinical testing of DCA has been going on for years, DCA is a patented drug used for treating a rare metabolic disorder

I still believe that it's use should be monitored by physicians who know what to look for and can prescribe it to ensure the quality of it, that said if I or a member of my family or circle of friends had terminal cancer I would try it and recommend that my friends try it

Below are the results of some studies of DCA it appears that it has been used and tested for use in many other illnesses and that the side effects are controllable

Disease Mechanism III: Abnormalities in Energy Metabolism

An Energy Buffer


Drug Summary: Dichloroacetate stimulates an enzyme called PDC that is essential for the production of energy in cells. Because inefficient energy production is believed to contribute to the progression of HD, dichloroacetate therapy could result in increased energy production, and could possibly help delay HD progression.

The altered huntingtin protein seen in the nerve cells of people with HD has been known to cause a decrease in the amount of energy available in cells by disrupting energy metabolism. (For more on metabolism, click here.) The mitochondria of HD cells appear to be damaged by the altered huntingtin and are unable to perform aerobic respiration, a form of energy metabolism. The mitochondrial damage forces cells to resort to anaerobic respiration, a less efficient form of energy metabolism. The inability to perform efficient aerobic respiration leads to decreased energy production. This energy deficit in HD cells leads to various consequences: the cell is unable to perform its different functions as efficiently as it used to and is more vulnerable to toxicity by various molecules.

Researchers believe that increasing the efficiency of aerobic respiration, and in turn, increasing the energy available to the cell, is one way of slowing the progression of HD.

One way by which scientists measure the efficiency of metabolism is cells is by measuring the cells? lactate levels. Lactate, a by-product of anaerobic respiration, is often found in higher concentrations in cells with decreased metabolism efficiency. High levels of lactate indicate that anaerobic respiration (the less efficient form of energy production) is the primary form of metabolism. On the other hand, low lactate levels indicate that aerobic respiration is the primary form of metabolism used by the cells.

Dichloroacetate in energy metabolism

Dichloroacetate has been found to decrease lactate production in cells by stimulating the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC), a critical group of enzymes involved in energy metabolism. The PDC is a large complex that is composed of multiple copies of three enzymes - E1, E2, and E3. The PDC serves as the vital enzyme involved in pyruvate oxidation, the step in aerobic respiration in which pyruvate is converted to acetyl-CoA. Pyruvate is a product of glycolysis, the first step in energy metabolism where sugar molecules from the carbohydrates we eat are transformed into pyruvate to be used for further processing in metabolism.

Each of the three enzymes that make up the PDC performs specific reactions that collectively transform pyruvate to acetyl-CoA. Acetyl-CoA is then transported into the mitochondria and enters the Kreb?s Cycle, a step in aerobic respiration. Once acetyl-CoA enters the Kreb?s Cycle, it undergoes various reactions that ultimately end in the production of large quantities of ATP. The PDC acts as a gatekeeper that facilitates and regulates the entry of pyruvate in to the Kreb?s Cycle.

In essence, the PDC determines whether the pyruvate molecules will be transformed into acetyl-CoA. If pyruvate is converted to acetyl-CoA, the cells can use the acetyl-CoA to undergo aerobic respiration. If pyruvate is unable to be converted to acetyl-CoA, the pyruvate is used in anaerobic respiration. If the PDC is damaged, fewer pyruvate molecules are converted to acetyl-CoA, which results in a decrease in the rate of aerobic respiration and a decrease in the number of ATP molecules produced. Instead, the pyruvate molecules stay in the cytosol and undergo anaerobic respiration, producing increased amounts of lactate. An abnormal lactate buildup results in various symptoms such as severe lethargy (tiredness) and poor feeding, especially during times of illness, stress, or high carbohydrate intake.

How is PDC activity regulated?

A family of enzymes called PDC Kinases acts to add phosphate groups to the E1 enzyme of the PDC. Adding a phosphate group to E1 inhibits the activity of the PDC complex. Acetyl-CoA usually activates these PDC kinases as a way to stop production of more acetyl-CoA when it is already present in large amounts and continued production is no longer needed.

Dichloroacetate therapy has been used to increase the efficiency of aerobic respiration. Researchers have reported that dichloroacetate stimulates the PDC by inhibiting the kinase that inactivates the PDC. Once the kinase is inhibited, the PDC continues to be activated and is able to perform its function of converting pyruvate to acetyl-CoA for use in aerobic respiration.

Given that impaired energy metabolism is implicated in the progression of HD, dichloroacetate treatment may improve metabolism and slow HD progression. In mouse models of HD, it is thought that the altered huntingtin protein interferes with the PDC kinases, causing a decrease in active PDC in nerve cells. This additional finding of decreased active PDC in HD nerve cells further supports the possibility of using dichloroacetate to stimulate the PDC and improve cell metabolism.

Dichloroacetate safety

There is some concern about the toxicity of dichloroacetate. Accumulations of dichloroacetate in groundwater have been described by some reports as a potential health hazard. However, concern about dichloroacetate toxicity is mainly based on data obtained in rats who were administered dichloroacetate at doses thousands of times higher than those to which humans are usually exposed. In these animals, chronic administration of dichloroacetate was found to cause liver problems and tumors. (Stacpoole, 1998.) In contrast, the dosage given to most humans is much lower than that administered to the rats. In clinical trials where dichloroacetate is used as a medical drug, no major side effects have been reported. Dichloroacetate is currently the most effective treatment for a disease known as congenital lactic acidosis (CLA). People with CLA have defective PDC enzymes and are thus unable to efficiently produce energy. In one study, patients with CLA were treated with 25-50 mg of dichloroacetate per 1 kg of body weight. No major complications were observed in the participants. (Stacpoole, 1997.) However, more research is currently being done to study the possible toxicity of dichlororacetate.

Issues of dichloroacetate toxicity have also arisen in research not directly related to HD. Dichloroacetate has also been found to protect against neuronal damage in the striatum of rats whose nerve cells have been deprived of blood flow. (Peeling, et al., 1996.) However, a recent report on an ongoing trial of dicholoroacetate treatment in people with mitochondrial disorders has reported that some patients developed new pathological symptoms and some had worsening in the transmission of nerve impulses. (Haas, et al., 2000.) Long-term trials are necessary to clarify the side effects associated with dichloroacetate and its role in HD treatment.

Research on Dichlororacetate

Gansted, et al. (1999) investigated whether dichloroacetate can improve the condition of people with mitochondrial myopathies (MM). The researchers hypothesized that dichloroacetate treatment in people with MM will result in improved energy metabolism. Because a decrease in metabolism is hypothesized to also be associated with HD, results of studies on MM and dichloroacetate may lead clues to the efficacy of dichloroacetate in HD treatment.

The mitochondrial myopathies are a group of neuromuscular diseases caused by damage to the mitochondria. Some of the more common mitochondrial myopathies include Kearns-Sayre syndrome, myoclonus epilepsy with ragged-red fibers (MERRF), and mitochondrial encephalomyopathy lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS). Mitochondrial myopathies are often caused by mutations in the DNA encoding the electron transport protein complexes, resulting in decreased ATP production. Aerobic respiration is not as efficient, so the cells of people with MM have to resort to more anaerobic respiration for their energy needs. The increased anaerobic respiration results in accumulations of lactate during exercise and contributes to exercise intolerance.

Dichloroacetate treatment was administered for 15 days to 7 people with MM. The study showed that dichloroacetate administration lowered lactate levels in most of the patients, indicating that dichloroacetate may improve metabolism efficiency. However, three patients reported that dichloroacetate caused a considerable sedative effect.

Andreassen, et al. (2001) reported that dichloroacetate has therapeutic effects in two mouse models of HD. One model, called the R6/2 mice, had C-A-G repeat lengths of 141 to 152. These mice exhibited HD-like symptoms such as decreased weight, motor dysfunction, brain atrophy, neuronal inclusions, and an increased occurrence of diabetes. The second mouse model, called the N171-82Q mice, had 82 C-A-G repeats in their Huntington genes. These mice exhibited symptoms similar to those of the R6/2 mice except that their symptoms were less severe and more delayed in onset.

Dichloroacetate treatment began at 4 weeks of age and was terminated at 12 weeks of age. A dose of 100mg/kg of body weight was administered daily. The study showed that dicholoroacetate-treated mice of both models showed significantly improved survival and motor function, as well as delayed weight loss and nerve cell loss. The development of diabetes was also delayed. Dichloroacetate was also found to maintain normal amounts of the active form of PDC. However, formation of neuronal inclusions was not altered by dichloroacetate treatment. The results of this study raise the possibility that dichloroacetate might be a potential HD treatment with therapeutic benefits for people with HD.

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-P. Chang, 7/5/04


For further reading:

Peeling, et al. Protective effect of dichloroacetate in a rat model of forebrain ischemia. Neuroscience Letters. 1996; 208: 21-24.
Peeling, et al. reported that dichloroacetate was able to protect against neuronal damage in the striatum of rats whose nerve cells have been deprived of blood flow.
Haas, et al. Results of the UCSD open label dichloroacetate trial in congenital lactic acidosis. In: Zullo SJ, ed. Mitochondrial Interest Group Minisymposium (Mitochondria: Interaction of Two Genomes). Bethesda, MD: NIH, 2000 p.2.
Haas, et al. reported that some patients treated with dichloroacetate had developed new pathological symptoms and some had worsening in the transmission of nerve impulses.
Gansted, et al. Dichloroacetate treatment of mitochondrial myopathy patients. Neurology. 1999; 52 (Suppl 2): A544.
This article reports that dichloroacetate treatment resulted in lowered lactate levels (and consequently, increased energy production) in people with mitochondrial myopathies.
Andreassen, et al. Dichloroacetate exerts therapeutic benefits in transgenic mouse models of Huntington?s disease. Annals of Neurology. 2001; 50(1): 112-6.
This article reports that dichloroacetate treatment resulted in various beneficial effects in mouse models of HD.
Stacpoole, et al. Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology of Dichloroacetate. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1998; 106: Supplement 4.
This article reports that rats treated with dichlororacetate at dosages thousands of times higher than normally prescribed to humans exhibited various pathological side effects.
Stacpoole, et al. Treatment of congenital lactic acidosis with dichloroacetate. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 1997; 77: 535-541.
This article reports that dichloroacetate treatment resulted in lower lactate levels in people with congenital lactic acidosis.


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Last Modified: 07/10/2007

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My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer last month and has recently had a mastectomy. She will have her first oncology appt. next week. My husband was diagnosed with a slower cancer last year in August. To date my husband's surgery was a great success but I must say, these two people are my world of love. I of course have been following all of the DCA publications that I can, reading both pros and cons. To the people with medical backgrounds that are posting about research, I want to express my gratitude for technical insights but I also need to say that - discouraging people from DCA with a death sentence or the misery of scorching oneself with chemo and radiation to avoid the death sentence is cruel and insensitive.


Ironically - the Toronto medicorcancer site makes statement that they receive their DCA supply from the US! LOL ah yes that one cracks me up. Even though it causes me a chuckle I am glad they have a source for it and are using it in a very good professional setting.

(yep God Bless America ?? For in God We Trust ?? which God ?? the Green Back God ???) My opinion that will never change --The US is way to corrupt to allow a better treatment option for cancer to be available to its population without a huge fight!! - If DCA proves to be as good as it looks in many areas then the population will need to take a strong Stace to get it to become available (in a safer pharmaceutical grade of it). People need to keep talking about it and not let the info about it fade into the abyss under the carpet because BigPharma has a very large carpet to fit lots of dirt under.

I would like the head of this website/blog to email me so that we may intelligently discuss DCA and any other potential anti-cancer treatments/

John Sandin

By John A. Sandin… (not verified) on 02 Oct 2007 #permalink

Howz bout if I try it on my dying fucking 18yr old cat with cancer?

By jay smoothe (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

My oncologist and I have been arguing for some time. I asked for LDN-she refused. I asked about other medicinal/natural treatments and she'd go down that list with me..."Doesn't work"..."It doesn't work"..."We don't have that protocol"..."Doesn't work".

Yet, when I have no where else to turn, they offer me chemicals, and I ask...does it work? And she answers..."There is no cure". In other words...it doesn't f'in work! "Right".

So don't tell us we must stick to our doctor's regimes, using chemicals that destroy every living cell to the point of living death, and then have them wait for a ressurection.

I agree that we should convince our docs to use both natural and maybe synthetic...if it works, but at least let US be the boss of our own lives and not the FDA and their bosses-the drug companies. We are We The People, after all.

If they can't find a 'cure' after trillions of dollars and over 80 years of research, then we have to work either together with the docs, or with each other as patients.

We all learn something new everyday, and if anyone tells us that it can't be done, or 'stop being a sucker'...they never had their own life on the line. They probably never suffered the pains of being polluted with dangerous and toxic chemicals, and they never lived through hell every waking moment of the day. So much pain from the chemicals, that sometimes one would wish to quickly die.

May we all be blessed with a cure, and then with helping each other clean out our toxins, and the earth's so that our children, and children's children will never have to suffer what we have.

God forbid they should get kidney stones! Yes, cancer is definitely preferable.

A lot of what is said here is true a lot is just the same kind of misinformed speculation that this thread seems to want to "rebuff:"DCA has been use in humans for decades to treat mitochondrial diseases in children and as such (being FDA approved)can be prescribed "off label"by a doctor to treat cancer as long as the patient is informed of the risks and is willing to use this molecule.(and the DR. is willing to prescribe it)It is because of its approval in treatment of mitochondrial diseases in children(thus having had human exposure)that the FDA rethought their objection to dr.M's trial and allowed him to go ahead with it.In the mean time there are clinics in ontario that apparently are giving this DCA treatment to their patients.Ther may be a lot of info that is still required regarding this molecule,however with this disease ,time is of essecnce for many people and the Fda for this and many other life threatening diseases ought to perhaps change their approach to "orphan drugs for orphan diseases!"Manfred

By manfred pungartnik (not verified) on 21 Oct 2008 #permalink

the only drugs the FDA shuts down quick are the ones that
work. And would cost those in control millions. You think
the Aig bailout was costly. Imagine the billions the medical
& pharmacutical industry would lose if a cure for cancer
they did not (own) or control was found. It would never be
allowed. And isn't.

By mike wyoming (not verified) on 21 Oct 2008 #permalink

@Manfred: Perhaps my argument is not clear. The DCA product used in mitochondrial disease trials by Stacpoole et al. was exceedingly high-quality and had to meet all guidelines as a investigational new drug. There is no independent confirmation of DCA product quality for any that I have seen marketed.

Second, the US FDA has no authority over clinical trials conducted in Canada. If a US sponsor wants to run clinical trials, I am certain that FDA will field such a protocol as they would any treatment - there are *many* unpatentable, natural agents in clinical trials in the US.

@mike wyoming - the argument that FDA is hiding a cure to protect the profits of pharmaceutical companies is a tiresome fallacy. First, my oncology colleagues would gladly choose other careers if they no longer had to watch their patients suffer. Pharmaceutical companies would kill to have a 100% cure for cancer because the sales would be unbelievable. They would then be happy to focus their efforts on other therapeutic areas that are actually much more potentially profitable such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, and the holy grail of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.

I would post on uncommondescent, but I seem to be banned or indefinitely suspended from there for no reason. You know, I find it amazing that the government (and apparently people like you) tries to ban anyone who is dying of terminal cancer from trying DCA (people who are going to die anyways, what have they got to lose), yet they allow cigarettes to be legal, a substance that has virtually no medicinal value and has probably killed millions of people. I'm sure DCA hasn't killed as many people as cigarettes. People are allowed to choose to smoke, but they're not allowed to choose what they want to be treated by. The hypocrisy. More proof that the system is all about money. If you really cared about the American people, you should lobby to ban cigarettes.

Here�s some recent scientific articles that indicate DCA itself to be carcinogenic and could explain the skepticism that some may have regarding its anti-cancer activity:

As carcinogenic as cigarettes? People are allowed to smoke but they can't try to cure their cancer with DCA. The hypocrisy. I address the problems with our medical system more here


and here


Even many FDA members agree that our current medical system is not based on science (but moreso on profits).

The move comes after the USC published the results of a survey it conducted amongst FDA scientific staff which indicates that nearly one fifth of respondents 'have been asked, for non-scientific reasons, to inappropriately exclude or alter technical information or their conclusions in a FDA scientific document'.

The survey also showed that 61 per cent of respondents knew of cases where 'department of health and human services or FDA political appointees have inappropriately injected themselves into FDA determinations or actions.'
Firstly there is the fact that the FDA is influenced by significant legislation fees from companies that last year added $380m to the coffers, with the largest contributors making up some of the biggest and most influential consumer companies in North America.

Secondly, and perhaps most influential of all, there is the fact that the FDA is free-standing and not accountable to congress, a fact that leaves the agency more open to outside influences.


If this isn't a conspiracy, I don't know what is.

And the conspiracy continues as many people who work/worked for the FDA are starting their own whistleblower website documenting it.


Even the EPA seems to have similar problems


By Bettawrekonize (not verified) on 08 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Again, if you stumbled on this post by looking for where you can buy dichloroacetate (DCA), please do not use the substance and please consult with your oncologist if you are thinking of doing so."

Speaking of oncologists, "In 2002, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that in the previous year, the average oncologist had made $253,000 of which 75% was profit on chemotherapy drugs administered in his/her office. Yet, surveys of oncologists by the Los Angeles Times and the McGill Cancer Center in Montreal show that from 75% to 91% of ongologists would refuse chemotherapy as a treatment for themselves or their families. Why? Too toxic and not effective. Yet, 75% of cancer patients are urged to take chemo by their oncologists." (post 21 on the FDA and health thread). I suspect this is the real reason why special interest groups want open information closed.

By Bettawrekonize (not verified) on 09 Nov 2008 #permalink

"In the unlikely event my oncologist is unwilling to gamble would I buy directly from a supplier and self-medicate ? You betcha :-)"

and people should have that right. It's amazing how people have the right to smoke cigarettes, despite how many people they kill (and how little medicinal value they have) yet the government tries to remove our right to self medicate. What's the worst that can happen, DCA might cure you and pharmaceutical corporations lose profits? If DCA doesn't work or has negative side effects, the person self medicating can stop using it if he wants. It's his choice, just like it's his choice to smoke. This whole hype is based on profits, not concern for the patient.

"This is very early in the drug development process and certainly far too early for patients to think about self-medication with DCA, particularly if they are already receiving therapies with known benefits and risks."

As long as the patients known that the benefits and risks of DCA are unknown, they should have a right to try it. It's their health and their choice, just like it's their choice to smoke or not. If they insist on trying it, let them try it.

By Bettawrekonize (not verified) on 09 Nov 2008 #permalink

"In the unlikely event my oncologist is unwilling to gamble would I buy directly from a supplier and self-medicate ? You betcha :-"

If you insist on using DCA and the oncologist can't talk you out of it, he should be allowed to allow you to use it (provided that you sign papers saying he's not responsible for whatever happens to you since you absolutely insist on using an experimental drug despite his advice that you don't). I would much rather people use DCA under the supervision of a doctor than to use it on their own without such supervision.

By Bettawrekonize (not verified) on 09 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Smoking is responsible for nearly 1 in 5 deaths in the United States. Because cigarette smoking and tobacco use are acquired behaviors -- activities that people choose to do -- smoking is the most preventable cause of premature death in our society.

About half of all Americans who keep smoking will die because of the habit. Each year about 443,000 people in the United States die from illnesses related to cigarette smoking. Cigarettes kill more Americans than alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide, and illegal drugs combined."


I dare anyone to tell me that the reason the government tries to prevent people with cancer from using DCA is because they are concerned about the American people. If that were the case, they would ban cigarettes. They give people the right to smoke cigarettes (which kills 443K people a year, that's over a million people in three years, this substance has killed millions over the years), then they take away the right for people to try to get medicated from DCA, and the system has the nerve to tell us that taking away our right to DCA is for our own good? What a stupid joke.

By Bettawrekonize (not verified) on 21 Nov 2008 #permalink

This is exactly why I quit donating money for cancer research. ai donated a pretty big hunk of my paycheck for over 10 years and th ey were making no progress at all.
They don't want to find the cure, as others above have said. I figured that out in the '70's. They make milions more by letting the people in this country suffer through all their "treatments" and as long as they say they're doing research, they get the big bucks.
If I'm ever told I'm in this predicament, you can bet your sweet bippy I'll buy it from another country and use it myself.
I don't beoieve the government has the right to practically sign their citizen's death warrants. I think they're afraid if we, the people, find that this worked, that would be the end of donations and funding from people like us, who in good faith, have contributed to this cause over the last 50+ years, hoping to have a cure by now. There's absolutely no reason in the world that these smart scientists couldn't have figured it out by now. I honestly think they have but are milking it for the money.

I was directed here by the search on where to buy dichloroacetate, but it was not in an understandable but misguided search to buy some to pop to cure their cancer.

Not everyone looking to buy it is someone worried of dying of cancer. Me, I'm a student of genetics looking to experiment with rats and see what effect it has when combined with some gene therapy treatments. Just so you know not everyone coming here by that google search is looking to abuse it.

I the interest of all the people that have this terrible disease I have to inform you of something I found out a couple of days ago.
For what it's worth check out Hemp Oil and Rick Simpson in Canada. No clinical trials of course - only a legal trial!
People allegedly were ready to testify of getting well after diagnosed as terminal.
There is even a documentary (check on youtube) explaining how to extract this oil.
If there is something to this, I thought all of you should know.
Get well soon.

By conandrum (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

I only like to know where i can buy DCA

Why take this chance yet. I understand the death warrants but there are still other holistic cures out there. Read www.bayareacannabis.org/healing.htm and get some other alternative including HEMP OIL

i am looking for a clinic and doctors that are currently using DCA. this is for evryone who reads this and may have some info. thanks a million
my email address is misskohan@yahoo.com