Happy Birthday PharmMom, RN!

Dear Mom,

I was still sick all day on our first day back from vacation. However, I just wanted you to know that we are all thinking of you for your birthday today hoping, especially, that the celebration included healthy doses of Chimayo Cocktails!

The Black Sheep of Your Family

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I'm flattered that I made your blog. Perhaps others will send me birthday wishes as well. Love, Mom

By PharmMomRN (not verified) on 17 Jul 2006 #permalink

Dear PharmMomRN,
I want to wish you a happy birthday as well. My husband had his birthday yesterday so we're in the celebration mood. We celebrated with a wonderful meal which included tasting a variety of tequillas in some spectacular margheritas. Some of us (me) faired better the next day than others (him).

I really enjoy reading AbelPharmBoy's blog. Thanks for raising such an interesting person.

Happy Birthday from Pipersville, PA!!!

By Anjou and Bill (not verified) on 17 Jul 2006 #permalink

Just to clarify, Pharmboy is not and will never be 'The Black Sheep.' He is and will always be 'the favorable child.' Sorry, I couldn't resist the sibling dig! Happy Birthday, Mom!

PharmMom!!! Happy birthday! We're only two days apart! Having a birthday in July rocks because as a kid, you got toys at Christmas AND at summer!!!!

I didn't have Chimayo cocktails, but I can vouch for Guinness and wish I had a margarita at the moment!

My daughter, who is after me to lose my weight for her wedding next summer (translation: "giving me encouragement"), sent me a "Cookies by Design" bouquet where every cookie is like a masterpiece of fat and sugar artistically painted.

What to do? What to do?

Well, eat the darned things so they don't tempt me anymore!

Ah, problem solved.

Happy Birthday PharmMom! We only get better as we get older - who knew?