Welcome back to blogging - the 4 meme

Blogging has been very light over the last two weeks as I was serving my national health agency and fellow scientists and physicians by critically evaluating research proposals. By the end of last week, the sight of my computer screen began to induce migraines and I'm still not feeling 100%.

However, my cross-town blog bud and SiBling, Coturnix, has tagged me with the 4 Meme to get me warmed back up for writing of a different sort. After I finish this, I'll see about answering the last two questions from 'Ask a ScienceBlogger.'

4 jobs you've had:
1. Dishwasher at an Italian restaurant
2. Prep cook, dough boy, counter girl, and delivery person for a pizza joint
3. Weekend animal caretaker and cage cleaner (rodents, cats, dogs) at a university
4. Assistant and Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology.

4 movies you could watch over & over:
1. Fandango
2. Caddyshack
3. Duck Soup
4. This is Spinal Tap

4 places you've lived:
1. Poland on the Passaic
2. The City of Brotherly Love
3. The Queen City of the Plains
4. Hogtown/The End of the South

4 TV shows you love to watch:
1. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
2. The Colbert Report
3. Any Law & Order show
4. South Park

4 places you've been on holiday:
1. Paris, France
2. Ocean Beach, Unit 3, NJ
3. St. George's, Grenada
4. St. Joseph Peninsula, FL

4 websites you visit daily:
1. Scienceblogs.com/Last 24 Hours to find out what the SiBlings are thinking
2. Denver Post to get my Colorado fix
3. Wall Street Journal - Health Industry Section to learn the latest of medical, pharmaceutical, and health trends
4. NCBI homepage to look up papers or sequences

4 of your favorite foods:
1. Anything sauteed with garlic and white wine
2. Dungeness crab
3. Eggs Benedict
4. Filet mignon, rare, in a Cabrales/cabernet reduction

4 places you'd rather be:
1. Anywhere west of I-25 in Colorado, summer or winter
2. The Florida Keys
3. Anywhere in Europe where I have or haven't been, especially, the UK, France, Spain, Italy, or Germany
4. Any winery in California, Australia/New Zealand, or Europe

4 lucky people to tag - kinda tough because most of my bloggy friends are equally anonymous/pseudonymous - you know who you are, so consider yourself tagged if you wish; otherwise:
1. Ewen Callaway at Complex Medium
2. Shelley Batts at Retrospectacle
3. Bill Hooker at Open Reading Frame
4. JM O'Donnell at Immunoblogging, if he comes back.

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