
There has been much talk about whether the recent Wikileaks leak of diplomatic cables will be a good thing or a bad thing. I would assume (and that is an assumption ... which is why I used the word assume) that there would be some of both, some forward movement of progressive ideals including honest government and reasonably transparent diplomatic policies that value human rights and the environment, etc., and some damage to ongoing diplomatic processes or exposure of ammunition that can be used for nefarious purposes by nefarious figures and organizations. But, since some of that would…
The Harrat Khaybar volcanic field in Saudi Arabia. Image courtesy of NASA, taken in 2008. Now, I might take this report with a Volvo-sized grain of salt, but I've seen a few reports lately of an earthquake swarm going on in Saudi Arabia, near the Harrat Ash-Shaqqah in Al-Eis region (apparently near Madina, but I'm not 100% sure). I might normally just chalk this up to the tectonics of the Arabian Plate, however, the latest article I read this morning, Saleh Al-Muhawis, Director General of the Civil Defense in Madina Region mentioned this as the cause of the seismicity: ... magma (molten…
I'm always pleased to see more countries setting up volcanic monitoring networks. Well, I suppose I'm pleased when it is a volcanically-active country, I mean, Switzerland setting up one might be a little silly, but anyway. After last year's eruption of Jebel At Tair in the Red Sea, we were reminded that there are potentially active volcanoes in/near Arabian Peninsula countries like Yemen, so with the help of the Germany-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System, Yemen is setting up their own network to monitor volcanoes in the region. Little in the way of details were offered, but at least…