Today is World Malaria Day, and the World Health Organization has launched a new initiative, dubbed T3: Test, Treat, Track. It urges countries where malaria is endemic to test every suspected malaria case, treat every confirmed case with anti-malarial medicine, and track the disease with "timely and accurate surveillance systems." The good news is that scaled-up malaria prevention and control efforts -- including delivery of 145 million insecticidal bed nets in 2010 alone -- have saved a million lives over the past decade. But, the WHO points out, there's still a long way to go in combating…
world malaria day
Today is World Malaria Day, and the World Health Organization reminds us that each year the world sees approximately 250 million malaria cases and nearly 800,000 deaths from the disease. In 2009, half of the world's population were at risk of malaria. The disease is present in 106 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East and Eurasia.
The Roll Back Malaria Campaign has an optimistic view of where the world stands with regard to malaria today:
Today, for the first time in 50 years, the international community is poised to win the fight against malaria worldwide. Effective…