tags: trivia, factoids, 81 Things You Probably Didn't Know, offbeat, streaming video
This video is filled with a bunch of trivial facts .. things that are true and, when we know them, make us feel like we aren't uninformed morons. The factoids are interesting, but music that accompanies this video is really stupid [7:54]
tags: Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze?, New Scientist, book review, science, trivia
Anyone who has ever claimed that science is boring has never spent any time talking with a scientist. However, some people have done so, and in the process, they ask lots of interesting questions such as; Why don't birds fall off their perches when they are asleep? How do you make transparent ice cubes like those in Scotch advertisements? What time is it at the North Pole? Why are traffic signals arranged red over amber over green whereas railroad signals are arranged green over amber over red? If you have…