Tracks and Traces

Welcome Maryn McKenna and her blog Superbug to Sb! And, in case I forgot to mention it before, make sure to check out Deborah Blum's blog Speakeasy Science, too! Wildlife experts use civetone-containing cologne to lure big cats In a scene reminiscent of the ending of Kingdom of the Spiders, caterpillars blanket the English countryside with webs. Coming soon, Inside Nature's Giants, series two. John Lynch shares the introduction to Follies of the Present Day: Scriptural Geology from 1817 to 1857. So you want to be a scientist? Learn to write! How to make a blockbuster - the…
Check out my article on the atmosphere and evolution, "The History of Air", over at Smithsonian. The Raleigh News & Observer has a brief interview with me (conducted by DeLene Beeland) on paleontology, evolution, and my forthcoming book Written in Stone. (Check out the comments, too - I already have fundamentalists praying for me *headdesk*) The next time you use a latrine in Peru, watch out for two-toed sloths Cool new science blog centered around Yale museum specimens - The Life You (And I) Never Knew Welcome another paleo blog to the blogohedron - March of the Fossil Penguins…
Caterpillars must walk before they can anally scrape (Not Exactly Rocket Science) Twitter taphonomy conversation reminded me of one of my favorite books, Recent Vertebrate Carcasses and Their Paleobiological Implications by Johannes Weigelt Deep-sea scavengers risk low-oxygen levels to have ham for dinner (via @mjvinas) The explosive chemistry of coal mines (by @deborahblum) Lemur species rediscovered after 100 years (ht @dendroica) Watch out for those falling blocks! - NYC gets destroyed, 8-bit style (ht @PD_Smith) Creepy cadavers - photos of old school dissections (ht @…