
I've reviewed, researched, and generally looked around for a selection of gifts that could work for kids ranging from very small to High School (and beyond!?!?) that are science oriented. (For gifts, mainly books, for adults, see THIS.) Coding The best kids coding books these days are probably those that use scratch. Before suggesting a couple, though, consider, especailly for older kids (middle and high school) this fairly recent Python language book that focuses on Minecraft: Learn to Program with Minecraft: Transform Your World with the Power of Python HERE is my review. My favorite…
Because I must trim browser tabs, here is a current short list of things that might be useful: Threebody - online implementation of the open source IAS15 integrator - a 15th order high precision N-body integrator - ASCL - Astrophysics Source Code Library - Open Source Code Visible Spectra of the Elements - Except Astatine :-( Astronomy Simulators - small web simulators for elementary concepts. Some quite nifty. From University of Nebraska. All the Kepler 2 Campaign 0 data - with some tools to play with it
You may be too young to know the truth about Santa Claus, but dear old Saint Nick is not the affable Anglo-Saxon philanthropist he appears to be.  In fact, evidence suggests that he is an unholy creature of the night, an ancient vampire who would suck your blood if you didn't placate him with milk and cookies. Saint Nicholas was born in Turkey in the third century AD, more than 1700 years ago.  Although rumored to have perished at the age of 73, he must have been trans-substantiated by some forgotten fiend.  Turned into a being that would burn in the light of day, old Saint Nick was gradually…
A recent survey of 3,000 people worldwide found what many have known all along--that Legos are the best toy ever made. For synthetic biologists, this doesn't come as much of a surprise--Legos are at the heart of the concepts underlying the basics of synthetic biology. Legos are a favorite analogy for BioBricks, the DNA parts that are made to easily "snap" together using a shared genetic engineering strategy. The iGEM competition is structured around BioBricks, with undergraduate teams combining old and creating new BioBricks for the Registry of Standard Biological Parts, competing for the…
tags: Hamburger Make Up Artistry, food porn, Buy Me That, streaming video This is another video in the Buy Me That series, which is designed to teach kids how to think critically about the television commercials they are constantly bombarded with. In this episode, we see some kids playing with a toy that turns out to be the opposite of what it is advertised to be. Perhaps this video should be required viewing for all kids in the weeks before Christmas?
ThinkGeek has a phenomenal new product line just in time for the holidays: Plush Microbes! There are a ton of them, but below are some of my favorites: There are also a ton of owner submitted action shots, documenting the fun that can be had with your microbes! Nature isn't cruel, just indifferent Tomato scare! Easter egg hunting is more fun with Salmonella! Thanks once again to Javie
tags: behavior, environmental enrichment, giant Pacific octopus, Octopus dofleini, cephalopod, animal intelligence Louis, the giant pacific octopus, Octopus dofleini, cuddles his Mr Potato Head. The 1.8meter-wide (6 foot) animal is so attached to Mr Potato Head that he becomes aggressive when aquarium staff try to remove it from his tank. Image: Apex. Who would have thought that Mr Potato Head would turn out to be such a charmer? Certainly not I, but this morning, I unexpectedly ran across a news story about a giant Pacific octopus, Octopus dofleini, that lives in an aquarium in the UK.…
I must have it! And it's electric efficient and cool... Hat-tip: Gizmodo and sent from my dell desktop.