I recently participated in a survey of higher education professionals about various aspects of the job. It was very clearly designed by and aimed at scholars in the humanities and social sciences, to the point where answering questions honestly made me feel like a Bad Person.
For example, there were numerous questions about teaching methods that just aren't applicable to what I teach-- things like learning through community service. while there is some truth to the old cliche that you never really learn something until you have to teach it, something like turning a bunch of would-be engineers…
Stephan Lewandowsky is conducting a survey on attitudes towards climate science and related issues and is interested in responses from readers of pro-science blogs. Go here if you are interested.
The National Science Board made a deeply regrettable decision to omit questions on evolution and the Big Bang from the Science and Engineering Indicators report for 2010. As you might expect, this has stirred up some controversy.
I wasn't surprised to learn this, as I had already noticed the omission a couple of months ago, when I updated the slides for my talk on public communication of science-- the figure showing survey data in the current talk doesn't include those questions, while the original version has them in there. I noticed it, and thought it was a little odd, but it had no effect…
Ken Parish, bored, is asking bloggers to post their scores on the political compass survey. I already have a page where bloggers can do this, but it is a bit unwieldy with 500+ entries. So I thought it would be interesting to do one just for Australian bloggers.
[Go here to see the table and the form.](
If you are an Australian blogger and want to add your own result to the table, just take the political compass survey here.
Via Jim Henley comes a test to see how nerdy you are. Like my previous quiz pages, you can post your score here and a link to your blog here.
[Go here to see the table and the form.](
This post is a way for me to keep track of which blogs have blogrolled me. If you have a blog and have had the good taste to blogroll me, you can add your blog here.
[Go here to see the table and the form.](
Sandor is collecting blogger's results on the political compass quiz. My own collection is here (now over 500 blogs!). Actually I think the Political Survey quiz is better, but hey, you can try both, enter your results into my table and send them to Sandor if you are so inclined.
The latest quiz to sweep blogspace is this quiz, which tests your ability to distinguish between quotes from comments at Little Green Footballs and quotes from Late German Fascists. Matt Yglesias' post on the quiz triggered an extremely ill-tempered comment thread. In the spirit of my previous quiz pages, this one lets you post your score on the LGF quiz.
[Go here to see the table and the form.](
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) attempts to classify each pesonality into one of 16 types described by the four letter codes in the table below. TypeLogic has descriptions of all the types, as well as a FAQ. You can find your out own type in this on-line test. If you have a blog you can enter your type in the table below.
[Go here to see the table and the form.](
Google Directory has a huge pile of links on the MBTI. I think some of those people take it way too seriously. This page has some…
Seems that bloggers have a strong urge to post their scores for Bryan Caplan's Libertarian Purity Test. So here's a spot where you can post your score and find blogs with similar (or different) scores.
[Go here to see the table and the form.](…)
The test does seem to be another one of those tests that tries to convince you that you are a libertarian. It said that I was a "soft-core libertarian", which I don't think is right, but it's still fun as long as you don't take the results too…