tags: 4th of July, humor, firecrackers, streaming video
This is what many politically conservative, rural, beer swilling, smoking, gun toting Americans (alias "rednecks") do on the anniversary of this nation's independence: they spend their hard-earned money on diluted blobs of dynamite so they can blow up shit [3:21]
Hrm, lots of noise and expense but overall, a big disappointment .. kinda reminds me of ejaculation. How was it for you?
Since firecrackers (and fireworks, which contain less dynamite) are illegal in NYC, this means that all my neighbors have purchased hundreds and hundreds of…
tags: Underwater Astonishments, marine biology, evolution, streaming video
David Gallo shows jaw-dropping footage of amazing sea creatures, including a shape-shifting cuttlefish, a pair of fighting squid, and a mesmerizing gallery of bioluminescent fish that light up the blackest depths of the ocean. He focuses on the work of two scientists: Edith Widder at the Ocean Research & Conservation Association, and Roger Hanlon at the Marine Biological Lab. [6:01]