
Same old thing as yesterday... Seriously, wtf is going on with the Sun? click to embiggen phew. ok, so there are some, finally, like 4 upturn into the new cycle has started, bit late and slow click to embiggen definitely reminiscent of the late 19th C click to embiggen new prediction for the cycle amplitude is low and interesting Belgians are still the definitive authority on the subject need to figure this magnetic cycling thing out, getting to be annoying
A male Amur Leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) at the Philadelphia Zoo. To the best of my knowledge this animal is not involved in any breeding or conservation programs. According to LiveScience, a female Amur Leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) was captured, examined, and released by WCS workers this week. The leopards, being among the most endangered of big cats and estimated to number less than 40 individuals in the wild, are most likely inbreeding to continue their population, a problem that could have devastating long-term repercussions. While it is not clear whether the problem is…