
Image of seals from… Paleogeneticist Dr. Johannes Krause (University of Tübingen, Germany) and colleagues were interested in the origin of tuberculosis (TB) in the Americas. Since strains of TB found in the Americas are related to strains found in Europe, prior theories held that Spaniards may have introduced it to the Americas while colonizing South America.  The problem with those theories is that pre-Columbian skeletal remains showed signs of TB much earlier. Dr. Krause was quoted in Scientific American, “Pathogens…
In a prior post, we talked about the ambitious Genome 10K project. The goal of the project is to sequence the genome of 10,000 species of vertebrates (~1 species from every genus). I was very excited to see the website recently updated in July to include numerous additional species for which the genome has been or is in the process of being sequenced. The new list even includes the genomic sequence of one of Darwin's Galapagos finches, the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis) shown in the image below. This is exciting news for a comparative physiologist! Sources: Genome 10K project San…
I notice that Fortune has a story on personal genomics up, Genetic sequencing gets personal Biotech firm Illumina will sequence your entire genetic code -- and throw in a Mac -- for $48,000: So far, personalized genomics make up just a small fraction of Illumina's revenue. High costs keep sequencing out of reach for most people. But prices will fall substantially as the technology improves. In fact experts say costs could reach $1000 within three to five years, making more people privy to their entire genetic code. ... One area Illumina is not diving into is sequence analysis. Instead, it is…
That's what Sandy at Digital Biology is suggesting from her analyses.... (also see Tara of Aetiology's response)
In the second Cat in the Hat book (I think it is the second one), the Cat reveals that he has more smaller cats under his hat. They are labeled A - Z with Z being so small you can't even see. Question: What is the sequence of sizes for successive cats? How big would Cat Z be? Here is the first picture that Cat reveals Cat A. It is not trivial to measure their relative sizes because they are in different positions. I drew two circles, one around each head and looked at the circle sizes. So, Cat has a head that is 165 px tall and Cat A has a head 61 px tall. Let me call the total length…