
A repost from February 9, 2006 from the old blog. it tells the story of how I became a science librarian. It's my small contribution to the #IAmScience meme on Twitter right now. Basically it's about unconventional career paths in science. And this is mine. =========================== Inspired by Adventures in Ethics and Science and Stranger Fruit... So, how does a person go from being a software developer to being a science librarian? From a very young age, always read a lot of books, magazines, comic books and whatever else is lying around, mostly science fiction and fantasy but a lot…
Well, I survived. Science Online 2012 took place this past weekend and it was a blast. There's already been quite a bit of discussion in blogs and on Twitter about how it went. A very small selection of the them bits are: Scattered reflections about ScienceOnline 2012 (#scio12) Science Online North Carolina (a nice Storify) Scientists have .... (impressions from #scio12) Sex, Gender, and Controversy, a #scio12 WRAPUP Science writing, in context But there's way more that I've missed, I'm sure. One of the things the stellar organizing committee of Bora Zivkovic, Anton Zuiker and Karyn…