
A repost from February 9, 2006 from the old blog. it tells the story of how I became a science librarian. It's my small contribution to the #IAmScience meme on Twitter right now. Basically it's about unconventional career paths in science. And this is mine. =========================== Inspired by Adventures in Ethics and Science and Stranger Fruit... So, how does a person go from being a software developer to being a science librarian? From a very young age, always read a lot of books, magazines, comic books and whatever else is lying around, mostly science fiction and fantasy but a lot…
Well, I survived. Science Online 2012 took place this past weekend and it was a blast. There's already been quite a bit of discussion in blogs and on Twitter about how it went. A very small selection of the them bits are: Scattered reflections about ScienceOnline 2012 (#scio12) Science Online North Carolina (a nice Storify) Scientists have .... (impressions from #scio12) Sex, Gender, and Controversy, a #scio12 WRAPUP Science writing, in context But there's way more that I've missed, I'm sure. One of the things the stellar organizing committee of Bora Zivkovic, Anton Zuiker and Karyn…
Sometimes good things happen to good people and this is certainly the case. Michael Nielsen has been named a SPARC Innovator for 2012. I don't usually do awards announcements here but I've made exceptions in the past for friends and I'm doing that again today. The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition has a program called the SPARC Innovators that twice a year recognizes innovations in the field. The SPARC Innovator program is a new initiative that recognizes an individual, institution, or group that exemplifies SPARC principles by working to challenge the status quo in…
With the final countdown underway and the conference less than a week away, this post follows my post on library people in attendance at Science Online 2012 from a few weeks ago. And I'd like to start off with another best-tweet-ever, this time Marieclaire Shanahan retweeting Colin Schutze: + they'll be fascinating! RT @_ColinS_: #Scio12 Newbie Tips: You will meet more librarians in one day than you thought existed in the world. And that's long been one of my goals, to promote the integration of librarians into faculty and researcher conferences and social networks. And Science Online has…
First the good news. Saturday's Toronto Star had a really nice little piece on the trend among some Toronto-area science grad students to get a sign of their scientific passion tattooed onto their bodies. T.D. MacDonald fact-checked the design five times before he let one drop of ink penetrate his skin. "I didn't want to have an incorrect chemical structure on my body," he says, recounting the long hours he spent creating his tattoo. "The way it is oriented in space had to be right." That his ink is accurate matters to him, of course. But few of us would know the strangely beautiful tattoo…
It all started with this innocent little tweet from @seelix: In going through the twitter list, I believe that half the #scio12 people are either a librarian, a marine scientist or named Emily. To which I responded: @seelix is there a marine science librarian named Emily? #scio12 @BoraZ had to chime in as well: The holotype #scio12-er RT @dupuisj: @seelix is there a marine science librarian named Emily? #scio12 With @seelix getting the last word: Found my new career path! RT @BoraZ The holotype #scio12-er RT @dupuisj: @seelix is there a marine science librarian named Emily? #scio12 Over the…
A few days ago I posted some thoughts on the programming of the recent ScienceOnline 2011 conference and yesterday I posted some thoughts about the more social and fun aspects of the event. In this post I like to look forward to next year's conference and start thinking about some of the sessions I might like to organize. My very early thoughts are coalescing around undergraduate education around. I have a couple of ideas which I think might be interesting to pursue. First of all, I'm interested in collaborations around teaching undergrads about the scholarly information landscape. On…