Science Roundup

Submarines collide: In a freak accident, two submarines carrying nuclear missiles, one French and the other British, collided while submerged on operational patrols in the Atlantic early this month, the British and French defense ministries said Monday. Both vessels returned damaged but otherwise safe to their home ports, with the 250 crew members aboard uninjured and with "no compromise to nuclear safety," the defense ministries said in terse statements that appeared to have been agreed upon by the nations. The reference appeared to cover the nuclear reactors that power the submarines and…
Long, long ago on a website far, far away (OK, 2006 on before I joined ScienceBlogs, I used to do weekly or biweekly roundups of science, health and tech in the news. In these I would make no attempt whatsoever to interpret or even accurately represent the articles involved. Sometimes they were even funny. Funny or not, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed writing them, so I think I am going to bring them back. So here is your Science Roundup for February 9th, 2009. Soon WiFi will be available on airlines, but not everyone is pleased with the convenience: But the…