
Maurice Newman, former chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, has the necessary lack of scientific qualifications to write about climate science in The Australian (Google “Losing their religion as evidence cools off”): So when in 1969 Paul Ehrlich claimed because of global cooling it was an even-money bet whether England would survive until the year 2000, he could not immediately be proven wrong. After all, this was a cooling period. Newman is just making things up here. Ehrlich did say that there was a 50% chance of England’s collapse by 2000, but not because of global…
David Rose is notorious for fabricating data to claim that global warming isn't happening as well as for fabricating quotes, so this story in the Daily Mail comes as no surprise. Rose presents a graph of temperatures from BEST that purports to prove that global warming has stopped and then quotes Judith Curry "As for the graph disseminated to the media, she said: 'This is "hide the decline" stuff. Our data show the pause, just as the other sets of data do. Muller is hiding the decline. At Skeptical Science Dana Nuccitelli presents a graph showing Rose's cherry pick: As well as the cherry…
David Rose is notorious for fabricating quotes to misrepresent scientists. Now he's doing the same thing to climate data. The UK Met Office recently reported that 2010 is "on track to become first or second warmest in the instrumental record". Rose sprung into action, wrting a news story denying that global warming is happening. Rose claims: Read carefully with other official data, they conceal a truth that for some, to paraphrase former US VicePresident Al Gore, is really inconvenient: for the past 15 years, global warming has stopped. Who to believe, David Rose or your lying eyes? (…
Deep Climate documents what happened when Steve McIntyre combined his talent for making mountains out of molehills with David Rose's talent for fabrication: So in summary, we have a nonsensical accusation of "artful" manipulation of a key graph. And we have a fake "blowup" from the Mail on Sunday that contains important differences with the real figure. Read the whole thing.
World Exclusive! Must Credit Deltoid!! Deltoid can reveal David Rose's fan letter to Christopher Monckton written after Monckton published his famous Chinese navy disproves global warming article. Rose gushes: Congratulations on your very important and fascinating article. I have two questions. 1. You write: 'They also found that the graph's authors had excluded from their calculations a single dataset covering the later mediaeval warm period, which had been stored in a computer file marked 'CENSORED_DATA' Where and how did they find this file? Is there any more known (or discoverable) about…
You can add the George Kaser to the list that includes Pielke Jr, Latif and Lal. It's like he can't help himself. Rose claimed that he was told by Kaser that he wrote to Lal: I'm not the only person in disagreement with Dr Lal. Georg Kaser, the Austrian glaciologist, insists (indeed, he told me last week) he wrote to Lal, warning him not to include the 2035 glacier melting date in AR4. Lal says he got no such letter. But Kaser says that he didn't write to Lal: Dr. Kaser, who has been a report author and has also studied the retreating snows around Mount Kilimanjaro, said Monday in a…
There have been two shock new developments in the Rosegate scandal. First, Deltoid can reveal that as well as misrepresenting Murari Lal and Mojib Latif, David Rose did the same thing to Roger Pielke Jr. Just as with Lal and Latif, no correction has been made. Second, in a comment left here David Rose has admitted that he has no credibility, conceding that "nothing I write here will make a scrap of difference". While it's certainly true that Rose lacks credibility, it's worth reflecting on why. I imagine you've noticed that when a reporter writes about something that you are expert on,…
There have been new developments in the Rosegate, the scandal about the way David Rose sexed up his story about the IPCC and the Himalayan glaciers. Andrew Revkin has posted an email from Murari Lal, the scientist that Rose verballed: I am not a Glaciologist but a Climatologist and the statement attributed to me in "Glacier scientist: I knew data hadn't been verified" By David Rose in UK Daily Mail on 24th January 2010 has been wrongly placed. I never said this story at any time and strongly condemn the writer for attributing this to me. More specifically, I never said during my conversation…
Imagine, if you will, that the emails stolen from CRU had included fawning comments from an MSM journalist to a climate scientist like this: As a veteran member of the MSM (Vanity Fair and the UK's Mail on Sunday) may I state for the record: Sir, I salute you. Bravo! or this: without Steve's brilliant work and this magnificent website, it could not have been written. What do you think the denialists would have said? Since a perfectly innocuous query from Seth Borenstein in the stolen emails lead to Anthony Watts calling for "AP to remove Seth Borenstein as 'science reporter'", you can bet…