The moment I have feared ever since Republicans took control of all three branches of Congress last fall has come one step closer to reality. Actually, it's merely one of many. occurrences that I have feared, given that Donald Trump has been our President for over six months. Although you won't find much in the news about it, yesterday the Senate easily passed a federal version of so-called "right-to-try." Senator Ron Johnson, who threatened to hold up Senate business unless a right-to-try rider was approved for the bill funding the FDA for the next seven years, was ecstatic:
I’m proud the…
Ron Johnson
Here we go again.
It's been a while since I've written about the cruel sham that is known as "right to try." Anyone who's been reading this blog a while (or even read the first sentence of this paragraph) knows that I'm not a fan of right-to-try laws. Basically such laws, which have sprung up like kudzu since the movement to pass them gained momentum three years ago, claim to allow terminally ill patients the “right to try” experimental therapeutics. Thus far, they have been sold to the public as giving terminally ill patients “one last shot” and touting how such laws could save some of their…
I’ve referred to so-called “right to try” laws as a cruel sham.on more than one occasion. Since 2014, these laws, all based on a template provided by the libertarian Goldwater Institute, have been proliferating at the state level with the help of lobbying by the aforementioned Goldwater Institute and a concept that makes it pitifully easy to caricature opposition to these laws as wanting to heartlessly snatch away from terminally ill patients the last chance at life while laughing and twirling one’s mustache like Snidely Whiplash. Not surprisingly, state legislatures all over the country have…