Andy Revkin thinks so. In a recent Dot Earth post, he writes that the head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change should either stop straying from a "just the facts" communications strategy or step down.
The offense, in Revkin's mind, is Pachauri's participation in a not-all-that-funny attempt at a joke begun by Richard Branson at a public discussion hosted by California Gov. Jerry Brown. Following up on Branson's joke about offering climate deniers one-way tickets to leave the planet, Pachauri said:
.. those who are becoming obstacles in implementing what is rational should be made…
Rajendra Pachauri
On the front page of The Australian today we find the headline Summer of disaster 'not climate change': Rajendra Pachauri. If you read the actual quotes from Pachauri in the article and not the fabricated one in the headline, you'll find that Pachauri said something rather different:
"What we can say very clearly is the aggregate impact of climate change on all these events, which are taking place at much higher frequency and intensity all over the world.
"On that there is very little doubt; the scientific evidence is very, very strong. But what happens in Queensland or what happens in…
Hey, remember how the Sunday Times retracted that bogus Jonathan Leake story which was based on "Research by Richard North"? Now the Sunday Telegraph has retracted and apologized for a bogus story by Christopher Booker and Richard North alleging that Rajenda Pachauri was making millions from his links with carbon trading companies. George Monbiot has the details.
Anyone noticing a pattern here?
Stefan Rahmstorf reports that the Frankfurter Rundschau has withdrawn a storybased on Jonathan Leake's fabricated Africagate story.
Rahmstorf has also read Rajendra Pachauri's novel, which The Times calls a raunchy environmentalnovel and states:
For a country where sex is rarely discussed in public the book mingles lectures on climate change with descriptions of Sanjay's sexual encounters, including frequent references to "voluptuous breasts".
Rahmstorf comments:
After I have read it, I find this a bizarre summary of the novel, apparently aimed to discredit Pachauri.
There is not a single "…
As ridiculous as that headline is, it is the theme du jour in the denialosphere....
The chair of the UN's panel on climate change Dr Rajendra Pachauri was written a "racy" romance novel and therefore the IPCC AR4 is unreliable propaganda. Um...okay.
If I wanted the denialists to win the PR battle, I would quietly but urgently try to warn them about going a bit too far in the mud slinging ad hominems.
(see ClimateAudit and WUWT piling on this Telegraph "news" item.)
I mean, really, isn't that a truly laughable thing to get worked up about? Can't just about anyone with the minimal…